Untitled Part 49

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Later that day we were sitting with Colleen and Shaun in their quarters.

"You shifted?" Colleen was in shock. I nodded.


"I know. I still can not believe I did that." I had a flashback of the shifting.

"And you think it might have been Melissa's bite that did that?"

"It is the only think we can think of, Mom." Paddy said sitting beside me.

"It seems possible, Son. Like we told you before we do not know what kind of reaction a vampire has when we bite them. We have never done it"

Paddy nodded. "I know Dad." I looked around for the rest of our family. "It was awfully quiet. Where is everyone?"

Colleen smiled at me. "Melissa is a sleep and our children," she pointed at the two of us, "are preparing for the European patrol."

"Oh that is right. That is coming up soon."

"Yes. They leave tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Oh right. I was out for a month."

"It is all right dear. You will be back in routine in no time."

"Are they still going to Wilbert's first to pick up some of his family members to take with them?"

"Yes about twenty of his family are going." Shaun looked very confident about this. "I feel better knowing there is a larger group patrolling Europe than a small six man squad. At least now they will have some support if they need it."

"They will split up into two main groups. This way they will cover more ground faster. I do not see them being gone more than three months at the most."

"Cassie and Quinn are getting close to their 'hell' age. Is there a plan for that?" I have been worried about this for a while now.

"Yes there is a plan for that. Gen is going to be with Cassie and Cory is staying with Quinn. If either of them should show signs of their 'hell' starting. They are to bring them straight here so that you," he indicated the two of us, "can bring them North to the village. All right?" We both nodded.

Colleen smiled and shook her head. "You shifted." then laughed. Our children came bursting into the common room.

"Momma! Kylie!" I was power hugged by all four of them. Paddy laughed then I was kissed by all. "I missed you Mama." Cassie said while hugging me again. "I know I remember hearing you in the water. You must have been sitting on the beach talking."

"I was. How...?" She blushed, "you heard everything I said." I smiled. "I may have heard it but I do not know which was a fever dream or you actually talking. You might have to repeat what you were talking about." She turned redder.

"It was mainly about going on the European patrol. This will be my first time without you or Papa coming." She looked a little embarrassed by her admission.

"I understand Cassie. I was a little nervous the first time I went without Athos. Back then my patrol was shorter than yours is going to be."

"You were nervous?" I nodded. "Now I do not feel so bad." She sighed.

Gen came over and hugged me. "Not to worry Kylie. I will make sure she is all right." I patted her arm. "I know you will."

Quinn sat on the floor in front of me. He was looking at me closely.

"Mama, are you all right?"

"Yes Quinn. I feel all right. Why?" He got up on his knees and leaned closer to me. He opened his mouth to catch my full scent. His eyes went wide. He shook his head.

"That is impossible. You are a vampire. You can not...?" Cassie looked at Quinn than me.

"Do what Quinn?" She asked. Quinn leaned closer to me. We were almost nose to nose. I smiled.

"Quinn, what did Mama do?" Cassie was becoming very impatient with her brother lately. This time he nodded. "Momma shifted."

"What...? How...but...you are a..." Cassie stopped and just stared.

"Can you do it again?" Quinn asked smiling.

"I do not think so. I have a feeling it was a one time thing." I told him.

"Really Mama? You shifted. What did you shift into?" Before I could answer her. Paddy did.

"She shifted into a beautiful black panther." He came and stood behind me. He kissed my neck.

"You were a panther too were you not Papa?" Cassie said she started to blush again.

"How do you know that Cassie?" She was turning very red. "I saw two panthers in your bedroom." She whispered.

"You saw two panthers in my bedroom, Cassie?" She was extremely red.

"I went in to tell you that dinner was ready. That is when I saw the panthers. I was only in there for a second then I left." I closed my eyes. I do not remember anyone entering our room but then again I was slightly preoccupied.

Colleen broke the silence. "Is any one hungry?"

Of course, they all were.

Paddy kept his hands on my shoulders while everyone else went into the kitchen to eat. He tilted my head up towards him and kissed me very passionately.

"Our children need to know about this. They are getting close." He whispered to me. "I know but I am sure it would have been better being discussed in private and not in front of the whole family."

"Maybe." He kissed me again. "Are you not hungry?"

"I am hungry." We kissed again. "Your eyes are red."

"I know." I pulled on his lower lip with my teeth. "How fast can you run?" I whispered. "Fast enough to beat you back to our bedroom." We looked up. Shaun was standing at the door. He had it opened for us. I gave Shaun a kiss on the cheek as we ran past. He laughed.

Cassie and Quinn came into our kitchen, a little while later.

"How come you did not eat with us Papa?" Cassie asked. "I had just eaten with your mom, Cassie. I was not hungry for food yet."

"Oh." Cassie was beside me. "Need any help?"

"No I am done." I brought the plate of food to Paddy. Cassie followed. We sat at the table while Paddy ate.

We sat watching him eat for a few minutes. I noticed Cassie and Quinn looking at each other. I was suddenly encased in my children's arms. I was kissed repeatedly on both cheeks. Paddy watched. He had tears in his eyes.

"I think you were missed."

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