Untitled Part 70

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 "No." I said hoarsely.

Cassie and Gen were cleaning up the bloody blankets.

"Mom you have not stopped bleeding." Colleen was beside me checking my belly.

"You are not returning to your former shape." She started to massage my belly. "Have the pains stopped?"

"Yes." I whispered. Paddy looked very scared.

"Kylie what do you need to stop bleeding?"

"I do not know what started it." I was starting to drift in and out of consciousness.

"Maybe Scott?"

"Maybe Scott what? Kylie?" Paddy was shaking me.

"What about Scott?"

"He might know."

"Mom try and stay awake." Paddy walked out of the room.

"What do you need Paddy?" I heard Liam ask him. "I need to find Scott."

"We will go find Scott. You stay with Kylie." His Grandfather told him.

"Thank you Grandfather."

It did not take them long to find him. He was at my side in a few minutes.

"Oh my stars! What happened?"

I did not have to say a word. Everyone filled him in.

"To work that fast it must have been a type of poison. Where is that stew now?"

Everyone pointed to the pot in the corner. "Good, you made sure no one else ate it." He took a spoonful and smelled it then he licked his fingers.

"I will be right back." He left the room in a blur. He was back with a flask of some dark liquid. He then poured it on a cloth.

"Kylie, I am sorry but I have to put this inside you to stop the bleeding."

"All right Scott."

Colleen was watching him closely. I could feel everything he was doing.

"Scott is it suppose to burn?"

"Yes that means its working." He smiled gently. "Let me know when it stops burning." I nodded and grunted.

"Kylie?" Paddy asked with great concern. "The pains have started again."

"Good it is working like it should. The bleeding should stop soon."

Cassie and Gen finished cleaning up the bed. Colleen checked me. "The bleeding has stopped."

"Good." Scott sat on the other side of the bed. "You will need one more dose."

I nodded. "Has the burning stopped yet?"

"Just a little."

"A few more minutes then I will put another in."

Colleen checked my tummy. "It is amazing. You are almost back to normal." She smiled at Scott. He nodded.

Paddy made a sigh of relief. "Kylie how are you feeling?" He whispered. I looked at him. What he saw, he knew I could not put it into words. "I know Love I know."

He kissed me gently on the lips. He held me and rocked me gently in his arms.

Scott changed the cloth. It made my tummy cramp harder. I grunted again. Colleen had her hand on my tummy. She felt the strength of the cramp.

"Is it suppose to cramp that strongly?"

"Yes unfortunately, my brown liquid is a concoction of herbs. It does many things but this is what it does best. It stops the bleeding in new mothers. May I?"

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