Untitled Part 56

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 "Sir. It Cassie. She is with the werewolf Samuel. She was screaming Sir. We do not know what has happened. Some of the boys are staying close."

"Thank you Barry." I was right beside Paddy.


"On the beach to the East." The entire family went to see what was wrong with Cassie. I ran out of the cave exit and headed East along the riverbank. Paddy was beside me. "Her scent is changing."

"It is her time Kylie." I nodded. Gen had heard Paddy.

"It can not be. She is not old enough yet. Is she Mom?"

We did not hear Colleen's answer it was interrupted by howling. One was Samuel but the other one I think was Cassie. Paddy shifted to see if it was her.

Quinn shifted into a cheetah and ran past us. He was going to protect his sister. Paddy led us to a small area with bushes. Quinn was growling at someone. There was more growling from other animals. Paddy bumped Quinn to get his attention. When Quinn turned to look at him. His eyes had turned jet black.

All of a sudden Shaun picked me up and took me away from Paddy and Quinn.

Colleen, Cory, Gen were with us.

"What are you doing? Put me down." Shaun put me down but held me in place.

"Kylie I am doing this to protect you. Quinn will hurt you right now. He does not recognize any one."

"He will not know who I am?"

"No Kylie. They go blind during their 'hell'. Why do you think we call it that? They will not have any memory of the first three months. That is when they are most dangerous."

"Shaun, I have to get to Cassie. Her eyes were darker blue when she was eating tonight."

"It is the same for her too, Kylie."

"I can not leave it all to Paddy." I tried to move but Shaun had a good hold on me. "I have to help him." I noticed Cory had shifted and was circling us. I heard Cassie scream. "I have to go to her Shaun. Just in case, it is not her time and something else is happening to her." Shaun looked at Colleen.

"Shaun, she is a vampire. She will survive whatever they do to her. Kylie has survived many things in her vampire life. Let her go Shaun."

"I promised Paddy that I would keep her safe."

"Shaun I love you dearly but you honestly believe you would survive being in between a mother and her children." His face went pale.

"Oh dear, we never thought of that."

"Men never do." Colleen said. She put her hand on Shaun's shoulder. "Let her go."

"I will take full responsibility for this Shaun. Let me go to my children."

Melissa started to cry. "Win, Win. Where are you?"

Quinn, the cheetah, poked his head out of some bushes. His eyes were brilliant blue. He shifted. "What is the hold up? Dad's waiting for you."

The tension eased considerably. We followed Quinn. Cassie was standing on the edge of a ravine. "Papa and Samuel are down there." She pointed down the side.

"What happened Cassie?" Colleen asked.

"We were walking along here then all of a sudden the ground disappeared from under Samuel's feet. I screamed when he fell. Papa is down there with him. I think he is hurt." She was crying.

Cory and Shaun shifted and went to help Paddy. Shaun flew back up and shifted quickly. "I need the rest of you to lift him." Colleen handed me Melissa. They all shifted into albatrosses.

Melissa and I were both peering over the edge. It took them a little while to bring him back up. He was in a lot of pain.

They all shifted. "Kylie, he has a lot of broken bones." Colleen took Melissa back.

I ran my hands along his legs. I could feel all the lumps where his bones were healed wrong.

"Shaun is Scott on patrol now?" I asked.

"No, he should be back now. Need him?"

"Yes. He is a healer. He would know how the bones need to be set."

He nodded. Shifted and flew off to the cavern. Cassie was at Samuel's head trying to keep him calm.

Scott and a panther showed up a few minutes later. Shaun shifted.

"Kylie what do you need?"

"I need you to reset his bones. He is healing too fast. They are set wrong, right?"

Scott checked him. He stood back and looked at who he had to help.

Scott had all of us pull on his arm. "I am checking your strength so I know where to put you."

We looked at him. "What are you talking about 'putting us'?"

"What I want to do is reset all his bones at the same time. That way they will heal properly." We nodded in understanding.

"All right Cassie. You are going to hold his head. Gen hold his right arm. Quinn his left arm. Shaun his right leg. Paddy his left. Cory you are going to push his hips down when everyone pulls."

"Kylie, you are going to do the same to his shoulders. Okay everyone to your places." We took our positions.

"Now Cassie. Hold his head still. We will do all the pulling, all right?" She nodded.

Samuel had tears running down the sides of his face.

"We are going to pull together." Scott stood over Samuel. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." He said hoarsely.

"On the count of three...one...two...three." We pulled and pushed him back into position. We could hear all the bones popping and grinding into place. He did not look so crooked now. He did not yell but he grunted. That was the only sound he made.

Once his body started to heal in its proper place. He was not in as much pain. We stayed with him until he was able to move on his own.

"Thank you. All of you." He stood and shook Scott's hand. "That was a good idea. Doing it all at once Scott."

"I figured it would be easier on you, that way."

"Yes you are right. It was."

"When you get back to the cavern come to my quarters and I will check to make sure everything has healed."

"Yes I will do that Scott. Thank you again."

We left Cassie and Samuel to finish their walk.

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