Untitled Part 50

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I was able to put my arms around them and squeezed them tight to me. I had my eyes closed enjoying the embrace. When I opened them Paddy went pale and dropped his fork onto the plate.

"Kylie focus on hands and feet."

"What?" I stared at him. "Your eyes have turned blue again." Cassie and Quinn both stared at me.

They stepped back. No one was touching me. Paddy's head was tilted to one side. "Good you focused. Your eyes are back to normal."

"I have not done anything yet." Paddy looked at his children. "Cassie hug your mother."

"Gladly." She embraced me. I hugged her back. We hugged for a while. We looked at Paddy. He nodded.

"Quinn your turn." He had a big smile. "All to myself." He wrapped me in his embrace. He kissed both my cheeks. "Quinn stop!" Paddy stopped him.

"Kylie your eyes are blue." Quinn let go. My eyes went back to normal. Quinn held my hand they went brilliant blue.

"That is amazing. How do you do that Mom?" Quinn was staring at my eyes.

"I am not doing it Quinn. You are." I leaned closer to him. He retained Melissa's scent. "Me?" He looked at his father. Paddy nodded. "You are the one who is changing your mother."

"I do not understand." Paddy laughed at his confusion. "Neither do we Son but you are the one who is doing it." Quinn was not letting go of my hand. "I have held Mom's hand before. Nothing ever happened. Why now?"

Paddy and I looked at each other.

"As you get older certain things in your body become stronger. Maybe whatever it is that you have that can change your mother. It might be getting stronger."

"I wonder what it is?" He let go of my hand when he felt my body become warmer. I had started to pant. "I am sorry Momma." He looked like he was about to cry.

"It is not your fault Quinn."

"Does this mean I can not touch you any more?"

"You can touch me all you want. Just be prepared you might not be hugging a vampire. It might be something else."

"I think I can handle that." He smiled.

"Good because I might not be able to. You might have to help me shift back."

"Really? You do not know how?"

"Quinn I am a vampire. I do not normally shape shift."

"Yes I know. I thought maybe Dad has told you how he does it." He turned to Paddy.

"He would have told me if I needed to know but I did not need to. Until now."

"I guess we will all have to teach you." He smiled at that.

"Yes Quinn. You will have to teach me."

"Can we try it just once? I would like to see you as a panther." I looked at Paddy. "It would not hurt for you to practice. In case you happen to shift when none of us are with you." I was a little hesitant. "All right."

Quinn held both my hands. I could feel my body start to tingle. Paddy smiled. My eyes must have changed. I was getting warmer. I was sweating and panting. I glanced at our hands. Mine were changing into claws then the pain hit harder this time.

I screamed then collapsed onto the floor.

"Kylie?" Paddy was beside me.

"I...I...I made Momma shift. I controlled the speed. I thought it was going too slow. I thought now and wham. She shifted." Quinn, I think was in shock.

"Momma can you hear me?" Cassie was beside me.

"Cassie honey, shift. I know she can not hear me. I tried earlier but maybe she can hear you and Quinn." She nodded then shifted. A few minutes later she shifted back.

"She can not hear me Dad." She sounded worried.

"Quinn shift. See if you can talk to her."

"All right." He shifted. Quinn was a panther also. He purred beside me. "Momma?" I heard a whisper.


"Momma open your eyes. Dad needs to talk to you." I tried. "Come on Mom. You can do it." I opened them. Paddy looked very worried.

"Kylie think hands and feet."

"Come on Mom. Think." Quinn shifted back. "She can not think. She is in too much pain."

"Kylie. Try Love."

Quinn was petting my fur. "Momma, you look very beautiful as a panther but I like you better as my mom so shift. All right."

"Quinn hold her paws." Paddy shook his head. "I can not believe I said that." Quinn held my hands. "You controlled the shift. Control it again and shift her back."

"All right Dad." He controlled it and changed me back. I went through the sweating and the pain.

Cassie wrapped me up in a blanket. She brushed the hair out of my face. I looked at Quinn. He was sweating too.

"Mom I did not know I could do that. Does this mean I can change anyone?"

"I do not know but if you do change them. Do it slowly." I said. "It is a little overpowering when you do it too fast."

"All right Mom. I will try." He hugged me quickly. Paddy looked at his family. "Let us go for a swim."

"Good idea Dad." Cassie said. I nodded. We went down to our private pool.

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