Untitled Part 20

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The next day Shaun and Paddy watched Jaxon perform his duties at the zoo. They said he was very nervous and always looking around. He never looked up into the tree where two hawks were sitting.

"Kylie you scared him good." Shaun said smiling.

"Now we will see how long it lasts." The animals were still wary of him but he did not hit them any more. Judy was not aggressive either. She had calmed down.

Gen was nervous. She was going to the Royal Ball with Pete. Colleen and I made her a beautiful silk dress. She was absolutely stunning.

Cory walked in and saw his sister. "If you were not my sister. I would kiss you."

Gen giggled. "Really?"

"Yes Gen. You look absolutely beautiful." Cory looked around and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek. "I do not care if you are my sister. I will kiss you anyway."

Gen blushed. "Quit teasing."

"I am not teasing." Gen could not stop giggling.

"I love you too, Cory." Gen said sincerely. "Yay, I love you too." He hugged his sister.

"Now who is your chaperone?" Cory looked at Gen, Colleen and me. "I do not know. Do you Mom?" Colleen shrugged her shoulders. "I do not know either, Gen. Your father has not told me."

"I will ask Dad." Cory shifted then back again. He did not say anything. "Well! Cory what did he say?"

"He said I will be right there."

Shaun and Paddy walked in. Both of them were dressed in a finely tailored suit. Cassie and Quinn were right behind dressed in the same manner. I turned around to ask Cory something. He was gone. "What is going on?"

Shaun and Paddy bowed to their spouses. "Would you like to accompany me to the Royal Ball Mrs. Riley?" They said together.

Colleen and I looked at each other and started to giggle. "You are serious?"

"Of course we are. Walter obtained the invitation this morning. Normally it takes us a while to dress but this time we will be waiting for you."

Cory walked out of his room. Dressed in a similar outfit as his brother, father and nephew.

I winked at Colleen. "Who do you think will be dressed first?" I motioned between the two of us. Colleen shrugged her shoulders.

We said together. "Ready, set, go."

I took off to my quarters. I already knew which gown I was going to wear. I just had to get into it.

I was back at the Rileys' quarters in five minutes. Colleen was just walking out of her bedroom.

"I think Kylie. You won." Paddy said smiling. "No Paddy. It is a draw. I did not have my slippers on until I was back here." They laughed.

I saw Benjamin walking in behind Cassie. He took her hand in his. She smiled shyly to him. He was well dressed also. I looked at Cory and Quinn. Who was their date?

Gillian and Tessa were at the door. What about Vincent?

"All right everyone is here. Let us go to the carriages." Shaun led the way down to the stable. The carriages were waiting.

Paddy and I were with Quinn and Gillian. Cory and Tessa were with Cassie and Benjamin. Shaun and Colleen were with Gen. We stopped on the way to pick up Pete.

Pete's friend Jaxon was waiting outside with him. He kept glancing at me. He looked a little pale.

"I will see you later Jaxon."

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