Untitled Part 79

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 Once in Colleen and Shaun's quarters. Shaun left briefly.

"I had some of the Guards search your quarters to find the silver." We nodded. My nose had stopped bleeding. Quinn was moaning. Melissa was hardly breathing. Colleen was trying very hard not to cry. She was not doing very well.

There was a tap at the door. Shaun went to answer it. Mikalia, Athos, Anna, Julian and Serina came in. Shaun stood looking at us.

"What is it Shaun?" I asked.

"My boys have found the silver. It was in the chicken they were eating." He pointed to the children. Colleen started to scream. Melissa had stopped breathing. Shaun was down beside her forcing air into her lungs.

"Melissa." Quinn whispered. "Momma your blood will help her."

I went to her. I bit my wrist and put it to her mouth. In between Shaun forcing air into her and my blood. It took a few minutes but she started to suck on my wrist.

Colleen held her until she was breathing normally. "Mama." She started to cry. "Tummy hurts."

"I know Sweety. It will be better soon." Melissa curled up onto Colleen's lap and fell asleep. I turned back to Quinn.

My wrist was still dripping. I let him have some.

"Mm...why does your blood tastes so good?"

"Athos and I have wondered about that too." Julian said.

Quinn gripped my arm and sucked harder on my wrist. Between Melissa and him it was too much. I saw darkness.

I woke up to Quinn crying. "I am sorry Mom. I took too much. I always take too much from you."

All the non shapeshifters had given me some of their blood. Mikalia was looking at them strangely.

"You are wondering why my family did not give me some of their blood?"


"Their blood makes me sleep for a long time."

"Oh! Sleep. I have not slept in over five centuries." I laughed.

Melissa and Quinn were both sitting at the table having some tea. Melissa will eat and drink anything that Quinn does. There was no arguing with her.

Paddy was cradling me in his arms.

"Hello." He smiled. "Was I gone long?"

"No." He whispered. I reached up and pulled him down to me for a kiss. When I looked into his eyes again. They seemed darker. It was too early for his mating cycle to start.

Athos crouched down beside me.


"Yes thank you."

Athos looked at Shaun. "Where is the chicken?"

"I told Barry to bring it to the Councilman Klaus as evidence."

"Good. Kylie do you think you would be able to track the silver?"

"She will bleed to death." Paddy said angrily.

"No she will not. She will track it at vampire speed less exposure."

"Sounds like a good idea." Paddy said calmer. I moved slowly to a sitting position.

"But first you will have to regain your strength or you will bleed to death." I just nodded then put my head on Paddy's shoulder.

Anna put Arthur on the floor. He crawled to Paddy and I then up onto my lap. He was a sleep in seconds.

I looked up at Anna. Her mouth was hanging open. "That was amazing. He has never done that before."

"Crawled up onto someone's lap?" I asked her.

"He has done that. No it is the falling asleep that fast." I nodded. I stroked his hair. It was blonde like Athos'.

Paddy whispered in my ear. "One day." I nodded. Mikalia said something in Spanish. Everyone who understood her nodded.

I looked at Paddy. "You are a natural mother."

"I am?" He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Yes you are."

"Nothing gives you more happiness then being a mother."

"Really?" I shook my head. "Two things." He smiled.

Athos picked up his son. "Are you able to track now?"

"I think so." I stood up. Paddy was right beside me. "Stay with me just in case."

"That was my plan."

We left for our quarters, Shaun barred the door.

"Wait. If you are going to track that fast. I have to warn everyone."

"All right."

"I will be right back."

He ran to the square. "Everyone listen up!" We heard Shaun from the square. "Kylie is going to be tracking. She will be traveling very fast. I want every one to standstill. It will not take long."

Paddy and I looked down the corridor. Everyone had to stop.

"All right Kylie start." I opened the door I went straight to our kitchen stove. This is where it started. I concentrated on the silver then I followed it. I ran out of our quarters to Katey's kitchen then to Caleb's quarters followed by the Senior Rileys' quarters then out of the stable. From there I went outside to the silversmith shop in the business section of London. That is where it stopped.

I moved away from the shop. Paddy was standing with me.

"How do you feel?" Paddy asked.

"Very hungry. Moving that fast makes me thirsty."

"Let us go find you something to satisfy your thirst."

"First we have to tell your Dad what we have found."


We ran back to the cavern. I nodded to Shaun in the square.

"All right everyone go back to what you were doing."

Shaun walked towards us. Paddy told him our trail.

"When you came this way, you did not go to the Council's quarters. How come?" Shaun asked me. "I knew that the chicken was in the Council chamber. I focused on the trail that did not go there."

"Good job. The two of you." We nodded. "The Council and the Elders are waiting for a report. I will inform them what you found out."

"All right, Dad."

I had seen Caleb and the Senior Rileys eating in Katey's kitchen when I was tracking.

Athos and Julian walked on to the square. "I bet you are thirsty?" I nodded to Julian.

"I was going to take Kylie back out for a snack. Care to join us?"

"Yes." They said together.

The Guard- Elders-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now