Untitled Part 18

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 "What were you and Barry talking about?"

"I had asked why the elephant was not in any of his reports." Gen was listening too. "She only arrived today. He had mentioned the enclosure but he did not know what was going into it. He never thought it was going to be an elephant."

"Wait till Mom and Dad see her?" I glanced around. It was late enough that most of the mortals were home in bed. We took off running.

We were back in the cavern minutes later. Cory and our children were training in the square. He took one look at his brother and sister. "What happened, you two look like you are about to burst?"

"You will never guess what the newest addition is at the King's Zoo?" His sister teased him. "All right. You have peaked my interest. What is it?" She shook her head. "I am not telling you. I am going to show you because you will not believe me otherwise."

"Where is Mom and Dad?" Paddy asked his brother. Cory smiled. "Right behind you." He pointed to them. Paddy spun around to face them.

"What is happened Son?"

"We have to go to the King's Zoo."

Now everyone was curious about the zoo. We had quite a crowd wanting to go.

We changed our clothes then went to see Barry.

"It is all right Sir. The King and his people have gone to bed."

"Thank you Barry."

"I knew you would be back." He smiled.

The Rileys were standing at the opening when she came to see them. They all gasped. Colleen stuttered. "Its...its...its...an elephant. By the Gods she is huge."

Vincent and the Knossos ladies were standing far enough away so they would not scare her. I could hear them comment about the elephant.

"She is so beautiful and huge." Tessa said.

"I have never seen an animal that big before. Have you Vincent?" Gillian asked him.

"No I have not either."

The elephant reached out to Vincent and the girls. They went to touch her. She did not fear them.

"All right. I am going to try this." Shaun said with a bit of hesitation.

Shaun shifted into an eagle and flew over the enclosure. He landed near the elephant. She turned to watch Shaun. She sniffed around him then moved closer.

Shaun first tried a small elephant then slowly made himself bigger until he was the same size as the other elephant.

She trumped with joy on seeing Shaun as an elephant.

"I am going to try." Paddy said as he shifted into an eagle and went to his father.

Paddy did the same thing as Shaun started small then grew bigger slowly.

The female elephant wrapped her long nose around theirs. It must have been a greeting of some kind. Both of them patted her gently on the side of her head then moved slowly away from her and shifted back into an eagle and flew back to us.

Colleen and I held up their tunics. They shifted right into them.

"By the Gods they are very strong animals. It would not take much for her to push down this enclosure if she was provoked enough."

"Was it easy to shift into a large animal?" Gen was asking Paddy.

"It is a little tricky but with practice. It can be mastered."

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