Untitled Part 88

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It took the jury three and half days to come to their decision.

Elder Camarillo called the court in to session. The Council was sitting beside him when they brought the accused out.

"Members of the jury have you reached your decision?" The Clan Elder asked.

"Yes we have." They said together.

"Karen please read out the charges." Karen stood up.

"The charge for harming an Elder?"

"Guilty." They said as one.

"The charge for harming a millennialist?"


"The charge for harming an Elite Guardsman?"


"The charge for stalking four Elite Guardsmen?"


"The charge for killing two Elite Guardsmen?"


"Thank you Jurors. Now have you decided on punishment?"

"Yes Sir we have."

"All right. Let us hear it."

"We have decided that they will be flogged for harming the Clan Elder, the millennialist, and the Elite Guardsmen."


"Next they are to be imprisoned for a century for stalking the Elite Guardsmen."


"Next they are to lose their positions in their Clan."


"Next after all this has been done. They are to be executed for the killing the two Elite Guardsmen. The two innocents that Kylie was carrying."

The entire room erupted in applause.

Marisa was crying. Crispin and Caleb bowed their heads in shame.

"Does this meet with your approval Council?"

"A question please?" Councilwoman Cleo asked.

"Of course."

"The flogging: how it is to be done? How many lashes and how often?"

The jurors looked at each other.

"We need to discuss that Councilwoman Cleo."

"May I suggest fifty lashes every ten days for a year and seeing that you are so fond of silver? The whips will be made out of silver."

"That is a very good suggestion. What say you Jurors?"

They looked at each other again and nodded.

"We agree." They said together.

"Good. It is settled. The sentence will be carried out immediately." He banged his gavel. "Tomorrow we will celebrate this gathering and decide when our next one shall be held and where? All right everyone go and eat."

Everyone left by the different exits. Many went downstairs to the kitchen.

Elder Camarillo, the Council and all of our family went to our quarters to eat.

Elder Camarillo took both Paddy and my hand in his. "The punishment. Is it enough for you? I know it will not bring back your children. If it is not enough please let me know." Paddy and I looked at each other.

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