Untitled Part 85

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I put another set of clean clothes on so did Cassie.

"Mom, I will wash the clothes after we eat." I nodded. "Oh Samuel is joining us for dinner."

"All right."

We walked back into the common room. Paddy kissed my cheek. "Mystery solved?"


Samuel and Liam had joined the Ladies. I nodded to them. "I will start making dinner."

"Kylie you were just ill. You are not going to cook for us now?"

"I am fine Lizzy. I washed the sangria off of me. I am all right."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am not dizzy, my stomach has settled." I nodded with determination. "I am fine."

Paddy chuckled so did Mikalia.

"Grandma have you not learned not to argue with a vampire?"

"Oh I forgot. I am sorry Kylie."

"It is all right Lizzy."

I went into the kitchen and cut up some chicken for dinner. Cassie came in to make some tea for everyone.

Mikalia came in to keep me company.

"Kylie can I make sure the sangria is out of your body?"

"Certainly." I turned towards her and stood still. She had her hands in front of my chest then slowly moved down along my body.

She nodded. "It is all gone."


I poured her some chilled blood. She sat down at the table while I cooked.

Paddy walked in behind me and kissed my neck. "The rest of the family is here."

"Good. Dinner is just about ready."

He kissed my neck again then went to join our guests in the common room.

"Kylie was this the first time you have been ill from sangria?"


"When you were at my home many years ago and just recently. You were not ill."

"I became ill the first time I was there."

"Yes when you lost your baby." She nodded.

Paddy had walked back in. "I had the sangria." Paddy said. "And you were ill afterwards."

"Yes I remember. But why are you not ill from it?"

"I have been making sangria all my mortal and immortal life, Kylie. You could almost say it runs in my veins." I laughed. "Well it does not run through mine." I put the food on the table.

Paddy went to tell everyone.

They all came in to eat. I served chilled blood to Mikalia and Annabelle. We sat and talked. It was quite an interesting conversation going on.

They were discussing the fruit combination in sangria.

I just listened. Mikalia, of course, was the expert. She was telling them what happens when you use different fruit combinations.

The next day the discussion of the mixed bloods registry started. Everyone was in agreement that they should be registered. The simple fact was they are able to produce shapeshifters. Eventually.

The vote was held that evening. The trial was set to begin at dawn.

Elder Camarillo had anyone who needed to sleep to go do it now. The trial if need be could be postponed until noon or later.

Elder Camarillo went to speak with Liam and Lizzy.

"Liam, this trial that is to be held. Where is the woman that lost her babies?" Liam pointed to me. "You? I have seen you all over the cavern. You must live here."

"Yes I do, Sir."

"Elder Camarillo. This is our grandson, Paddy's wife, Kylie."

"Kylie. This is our oldest member of our community Elder Camarillo."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Sir." He took my hand and kissed it.

"It is definitely a pleasure to meet you, my dear Lady." He turned back to Liam and Lizzy. "Paddy. That is Shaun's son. Who is Crispin and Marisa's son? Who are the accused."

"Yes Sir."

"This is a very sad situation. The loss of your children. The Crime of Elders and Shaman. This is most unpleasant." He shook his head. He was still holding my hand. He patted it now. "I am officiating as the judge tomorrow. I will be listening closely. It may look like I am not at times but I am."

"Thank you Sir." I curtseyed.

"Now if you will excuse me. I have been told Mistress Katey makes excellent chicken meals."

"Yes sir. She does." Lizzy assured him.

"Oh good. I am going to go have some. Would you like to join me?"

"Yes sir, we would." They smiled.

They walked down to the kitchen.

"It smells wonderful down here."

"Kylie wait here. I will be right back."

"All right Lizzy."

I waited. Elder Camarillo watched Lizzy walked around the kitchen then back.

"It is all right Kylie."

"Thank you Lizzy."

I escorted them in. I stood to one side while they ate. Elder Camarillo looked uncomfortable while he ate his meal.

"Kylie. Please join us. I feel like I am being rude eating in front of you."

"Elder Camarillo. Please do not trouble yourself. I do not eat human food."

"You do not?" He turned red. "I must apologize for my ignorance. I do not associate with vampires very often and I have never had a meal with one either." He said gently.

"That is all right Elder Camarillo. Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you Kylie. I will."

They finished their meal. I noticed that Walter and Barry were in the kitchen watching some of the Elders. I nodded to them.

"It was a fantastic meal but I must have some sleep before tomorrow's trial. Good night to you all."

"Good night Sir." Liam and Lizzy said together.

I signed to Walter and Barry to watch Liam and Lizzy. I was going to escort Elder Camarillo to his room.

They nodded.

I left with the Elder.

"Kylie I am truly sorry about my ignorance about your eating habits. What do you eat and how often?"

"I feed on animal blood roughly every ten days." He touched his head and laughed. "I have been around a long time Kylie. I never thought to ask until now."

"Someone told me once Sir. You must learn something new every day to keep you going."

"That is a good idea Kylie. I shall keep that in mind from now on."

We walked up to his door. "Thank you Kylie for teaching me something today."

"You are welcome Sir."

He went onto his room.

I ran back to the kitchen to be with Liam and Lizzy.

The Guard- Elders-Part 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant