Untitled Part 66

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 "He is able to make vampires shift."

Anna and Athos stared at us as if we had gone mad.

"It seems Athos that if a shifter bites a vampire when they are in their animal form. They can make a vampire shift. Quinn has done it to me twice."

"Why would he bite you Kylie?" Anna asked.

"The first time was indirectly. Melissa bit me which caused a fever and shifting. The next time Quinn held my hands and controlled the shift. He even shifted Julian."

"That is simply amazing."

"Great Grandpa is simply amazed too." Cassie told him.

"The Senior Rileys are back." Athos said with great concern.

"Yes and with Colleen's parents and six other Elders from three different clans."

"Ten Clan Elders are at the cavern?"

"Yes and they are going to hold a multi clan gathering."

"When?" Athos asked.

"During the Summer Solstice."

"That soon." Athos nodded. "Where?"

"At the cavern."

"Excellent." Athos smiled.

"I take it Athos that is when we are going to visit?" Anna asked.

"Yes my dear. That would be the perfect time. We can observe and ask questions."

"There goes the scientific mind again." We said together. Athos laughed. "Oh my Ladies. You know me too well."

"Oh dear I have split my tea." Anna said looking at her skirt.

"Aunt Anna you were not drinking any tea." Cassie told her.

Anna started to pant. She grabbed her belly. "The baby is coming."

"Athos do you have a room prepared?" I asked.

"Yes it is your old room." I nodded.

Athos scooped up Anna. We followed him to the bedroom.

Cassie and I made Anna comfortable. Athos waited until we were done.

Her labour was coming very quick.

"Anna were you having pains earlier?" I asked. "Yes but I did not think anything of it. They did not hurt all that much." She blushed.

Her pains were becoming stronger. "I can feel them now. Agh!"

Athos never said a word. He would wipe her brow whenever she was at rest. She had a good grip on Athos' hand.

"Kylie," pant, "I need," pant, "to push."

"I will check." I did a quick check on the position of the baby. "It is all right Anna. You can push."

I had not notice that Athos had changed his clothes. He had on a long night shirt.

"Now Anna."

"Yes Athos."

He stood up and held her hands. Anna placed her feet on Athos' legs.

I remembered this Colleen did the same thing when she had the twins. Now I understand the clothes.

Within minutes Anna and Athos' son was born. Athos picked him up and placed him in Anna's arms. He cried a little then was quiet. He started to make a sucking noise. Anna looked at me.

"He is hungry." I whispered.

"Oh!" She nursed him.

Athos disappeared. He came back a few minutes later in his regular clothes.

I went to the washroom and brought in some warm water to wash the baby and Anna.

Athos washed his son. I cleaned up Anna. She nodded to me. Her body had cleansed itself. I picked up everything and buried it in the woods.

When I returned to the birthing room. Anna was standing by the bed. Cassie was sitting in the rocking chair holding the baby. Athos was near Anna in case she needed help.

"Kylie can you help me to the washroom?"

"Of course." She held my arm. We walked slowly across the hall to the washroom.

"I would love to soak in a bath."

"All right Anna. Sit on the stool and I will draw the water."

"Thank you. I am so glad you are here. I was so nervous about not having a midwife here."

"You and Athos did a marvelous job. Did you teach him what to do?"

"Um no but he has been reading a lot of books from Rome and Greece lately."

"Rome and Greece." I said quietly.

"Is this hot enough for you?" She reached into the water. "It is perfect." She stood up and took off her bloody clothes then stepped into the bath.

"This feels wonderful." I smiled. "I will let you soak for a few minutes. I will go and check on Cassie and Athos."

"All right."

I went back into the bedroom. Athos was now sitting in the rocking chair with his son. Cassie was stripping the bed.

"Where is Anna?" Athos asked.

"She is soaking." He smiled.

"She missed that." He stood up and walked over to me. He placed his son in my arms. "Now you are an aunt." He kissed my cheek. "Yes I am Papa." He laughed. "That is right I am. I will be right back. I am going to check on An ...Momma." His grin stretched from ear to ear.

I sat in the rocking chair watching the baby sleep. Athos and Anna walked into the room. My little one fluttered in my belly. It tickled. I stood up and handed the baby to Anna.

He woke up at her touch.

"Are you hungry already?" She started to open her blouse.

"Um he might be wet?"

"That is right. It has to come out eventually." She laughed but it was not a funny laugh. She brought him to a small table in the corner and changed his bottom.

"You were right. He was wet."

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. "I feel...?" She thought for a moment. "Empty."

"Yes I know the feeling. It is a horrible feeling."

She nodded in agreement.

"Cassie and I will make you something to eat. You look hungry." Athos glanced at her.

We went down to the kitchen. I found a chicken hanging in her pantry. Cassie did some potatoes and vegetables.

Anna and Athos walked into the kitchen with their baby.

I put her food on the table.

"Thank you Kylie. Cassie." Anna sat down to eat. She ate everything we made for her. She sat back and patted her tummy.

"I did not know I was that hungry."

"You just had a baby, Aunty. It takes a lot of energy."

"You are right."

We stayed one more day. Athos made a little request before we left.

"The only thing I ask Kylie. Is not to tell anyone about the baby."

"We understand Athos. It is your news. Do not worry. It will be kept a secret." I reassured him.

We hugged and left for home.

The Guard- Elders-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now