Untitled Part 73

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A couple of days later. The Council received a letter from Wilbert inviting them to Leon.

"Shaun, the only one that is staying is Antonio."

"Yes Councilman Klaus."

"We will leave in two days by boat. I will make sure we are back in plenty of time for the gathering."

"Thank you Sir."

"Prepare for roughly three weeks."

"Yes Sir." He bowed.

The Council went to their private chambers to prepare for their journey.

The rest of us stayed in the square.

"Paddy." Shaun called to him. They were talking with their heads together.

Paddy walked over to me and the children. "We are going to Leon. Mom and Dad will be staying here." I nodded. "Let us go pack."

We went to our quarters.

I was in our bedroom packing clothes. Paddy came up behind me and held me in his arms. "You need to get away from here. You are so wound up. I am afraid if you snap. You will never be the same." I turned in his arms to face him. "I am afraid of that also. I have never felt like this. It is scaring me."

"I know. Dad though it best for all of us to go. Cory and Gen are coming also. Zeus, Scott, Walter, Barry, Hugo, Curtis, Julian and Vincent will make up the rest of the Guard."

"Good. That should do."

"Mom and Dad will be able to guard Councilman Antonio with no problem."

I nodded. "Cassie and Cory will be happy to see their love ones while we are there."

"Yes they will. Cory will probably be bringing Annabelle back with him."

"I am sure he is excited."

"Oh he is. He went to check his new quarters after Dad told him."

"He is making sure everything is perfect for her." He nodded. "I know the feeling. I did the same thing here for you." I kissed him. "And it was perfect." We kissed some more.

I packed enough clothes for Paddy and I for three weeks. I helped Cassie and Quinn with their packing. Paddy was meeting with the rest of the traveling Guard letting them know who they are assigned to.

Councilman Klaus ordered his boat to be ready by the next day.

Liam and Lizzy came by to say good bye.

"We will make sure Caleb is kept busy here at the cavern. The Rileys and him are in charge of providing accommodations for everyone."

"Thank you Grandpa." Paddy hugged him.

"Have a relaxing time Kylie." She had a worried smile. "Thank you Lizzy. I am sure I will." We hugged them good bye.

The next day we set sail for Leon. The Council members were quite excited about the outing. Councilman Klaus sent Cassie and Cory ahead so that they could let Wilbert know about their arrival.

The Council only came on deck at night. The southern sun was too strong for them.

The seamen were teaching Quinn and Paddy a card game. They won the first few hands but started losing when the sailors started bidding higher.

Julian and I watched the game. I stood behind one of the seamen. Julian behind the other. It was becoming obvious that they were cheating. The two seamen were passing cards to each other under the table.

I looked around no one was paying attention to me so I whispered to Paddy and Quinn. What they were doing. He nodded slightly.

Julian nodded also. He never liked cheaters. He would play cards with some of the Guards. It was always an honest game.

Gen came and stood beside me. I whispered to her what was happening. She smiled and went below.

A few minutes later a blue eyed weasel crawled between Paddy and Quinn. She shifted under the table into something else but I could not see what.

The next time the seamen tried to pass a card. They had blood on their fingers. Whatever she shifted into was scratching the seamen' hands. After that every time they put their hands under the table. She would scratch them.

About an hour later Paddy decided to end the game. The weasel crawled under Paddy's shirt. He nodded to me to follow him below.

Quinn and Julian followed us to our cabin. Gen was giggling on the bunk. She was wrapped in a blanket. "That was fun heheheh." She bounced on the bunk.

"Thank you Gen. We won most of our coin back." Paddy and Quinn smiled.

"Good. Let me know if you plan to play with them again." We laughed. "I will be back with your blanket." She left the cabin.

"I am glad you were starting to win." Julian said. "I was going to sit in between them and watch the game closely."

"Thank you Julian but Gen had the same idea."

"So I noticed." They chuckled. Gen was back with our blanket.

"What are you having for your evening meal, Paddy?" He looked at me. "I do not know."

"We have some cheese, dried meat and bread. Would you like to join us, Gen?" She smiled. "Yes I would." We did this for every meal so the seamen would not become suspicious. Hugo, Curtis and Vincent did the same with the rest of the Guard.

I pulled out some plates from a storage box and prepared their meal. Gen and I sliced up the bread and cheese.

Julian and I sat on the bunk while they ate. All the vampires had fed before we sailed so we were still good for at least five more days.

The Council would wait until everyone had their meal before they went up on deck.

They had interesting conversations about all the constellations. Quinn enjoyed their lessons. Councilman Carlos would always watch the stars. He was enjoying the changing sky as we sailed South to Leon.

Quinn was becoming a very good student. It did not take him long to learn all the constellations.

We could smell a fire burning. We looked towards the French coast. You could see the fires burning. It was too far away to see if it was trees or houses.

The smoke had drifted out to sea. It was starting to blot out the stars.

We were watching the fire.

"Quinn. Gen, would you like to see what is burning?"

"Yes Sir." Councilman Klaus has given the seamen the impression that he could do magic. He had Quinn and Gen stand in the center of a circle. He waved his hands and they changed into birds. They flew towards the coast.

A short time later they were back. We stood in a circle again. This time facing out.

"Sir," Quinn said. "There is a small village burning. It looks like they had been attacked by some other group. There are a lot of dead bodies."

We arrived in Leon the next morning. Wilbert and Mikalia were waiting for us.

"Welcome Council. You honour us with your presents." Wilbert said then bowed.

"Thank you my old friend for inviting us."

Wilbert had brought a lot of his family to meet us. They surrounded us.

"Please we have carriages waiting to take you to our home."

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