Untitled Part 35

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We all went to our posts to help with the departures. Some people left right away and others stayed to talk to the newly registered. Many of the vampires were curious about the werewolves and the mixed bloods.

Many talked to all the 'children' in the cavern. Hugo and Curtis were quite popular with the young female werewolves.

Wilbert was standing with Paddy and I at the beach exit.

"I think, my young friends, that I will be making a few extra trips to London before the next gathering." He was looking at the group of his granddaughters talking to Hugo and Curtis. We laughed.

"I think so too Wilbert." Paddy answered.

"Ah Love. It warms the heart."

Paddy and I were looking at each other. He took my hand. "Yes it does." We said together.

"A small portion of my family will be leaving on the next tide. Many of them are a little homesick."

"I am sure they are. Your family is not used to being in caves. They are used to being outside in the sunshine."

"Yes Kylie. That is exactly what is wrong with them." He sighed. "All my family is very happy to be registered. It was quite an accomplishment."

"Yes Wilbert it was. Our children have been registered also, which pleases me to no end." Paddy said with a big smile.

"Yes nothing pleases a man more than knowing his children have been accepted into society."

Paddy nodded. Wilbert's family members that were headed home started emerging from the cavern. One of the boats that they sailed in on was waiting for them.

"This is one of my sons' boats. He sails all over the Mediterranean. He only comes to Great Britain once in awhile."

A man was standing at the bow of the boat.

"Father, we sail at midnight. Anyone who is coming tell them to come aboard now."

"I will tell them Pedro."

Wilbert did not have to. The ones that were at the entrance to the cave passed the word along. Pedro had the gangplank lower for his passengers to board.

Mikalia was coming out of the entrance holding a newborn baby.

"Senor, Alashua has had her child. It is a little boy."

"Finally, she is blessed with a son after five daughters." Wilbert took the boy into his arms. "Ah! He is beautiful, my Precious Love."

"Yes, he is Senor." They were cooing to the baby.

"How is Alashua?"

"She is doing well. She was almost healed when I left with the little one."

"Good. Does she plan to leave tonight?"

"Yes, she wants to show her husband his son."

"Yes. He will be quite pleased."

A little while later a young woman came out with five young women.

"Ah Father, Mother, there you are?"

"Alashua are you heading home?"

"Yes Father I am. My husband was quite anxious when my pains started. He thought I would miss my chance to sail with him."

The man, Pedro, leaped off the boat and hurried to Wilbert.

"Alashua my love. You have had our child."

"Yes my Love. I have."

She took her baby from Wilbert and presented it to Pedro. "Meet the newest member to our family. Our son."

"Son! We finally have a son to torment his sisters. We are truly blessed, Alashua. Truly." She giggled.

The women walked over. "Papa. Let us see our little brother." One of them asked. Pedro showed them their brother. "He has Papa's eyes. He will be handsome like Papa."

"Ah! My girls. You do me proud. Let us go home." He turned to leave. "Wait has he been registered?"

"Yes he has."

"Then what is his name?"

"Pedro Luis Mendoza."

"That is a wonderful name." Pedro said proudly.

"Of course it is Papa. It is the same as yours."

"That is what I said. It is a wonderful name." He laughed. The happy family said goodbye to Wilbert and Mikalia nodded to us then boarded the boat.

"Ah! She has wanted a son for him for a long time. Finally she has given him one."

It was not long before everyone who was leaving was on the boat. It rose in the water as the tide came in.

Many were at the railing waving goodbye to their grandparents.

Mikalia and Wilbert went back inside tending to the remaining members of their family.

Paddy and I watched some of the other vampires leave. There was a few who liked to swim across the channel. They lived that close.

Samuel walked out of the entrance around dawn.

"Paddy I have found you."

"Good morning Samuel. How are you today?"

"I am very well. Good morning to you and Kylie."

"Good morning Samuel." I smiled to myself. Samuel would find any opportunity to spend some time with his friend, Paddy.

"I was wondering Paddy if it would be possible to go on patrol with you before I leave for home."

"Actually, Kylie and I are going on patrol as soon as the sun is up. Which is in just over an hour from now." Paddy had checked the horizon. "If you would like to come with us then?"

"Yes I would. I will just go and let Grandmother know I will be gone for a while." Paddy nodded. Samuel ran back into the cave.

"He has finally found a way to spend some time with you."

"Yes I would have suggested it earlier if I knew he wanted to go on patrol with me."

"We are going to Westminster today, are we not?" Paddy smiled. "What are you thinking?"

"Perhaps you and Samuel should check out their defenses out."

"That sounds like a good idea. I have never seen Samuel in his wolf form before."

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