Untitled Part 72

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 "Good. I was very worried about you. You had lost a lot of blood."

"I am fine, Zeus."

"Are you sure? You look very tired."

"I know. I am still recovering from the blood loss and the delivery. It takes a lot out of you."

"I see." We rounded a corner. "Here we are. I am to stay with you until you are done."

"All right Zeus."

"Kylie how are you my dear?" Katey came running to me. She gave me a hug.

"I am fine Katey. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes its six weeks before the gathering. I would like to see how much we have on hand so I know how much more we need to buy?"

"All right Katey. Where do you want to start?"

"I think we should start down in the cold room."

"Good idea." I signaled Zeus to follow. He did. Katey turned her head slightly. "Zeus, I did not ask you to come with us?"

"Katey its all right I asked him."

"Why?" She sounded hurt.

"Because Paddy has asked some of the Guard to accompany me on my errands. I am still weak from the blood loss." I winked at Zeus. "They are here to help me."

"Oh that is so sweet of him but you are with me. I can take care of you."

"He did not want to burden anyone outside the Guard."

"All right Kylie. You know you are safe with me."

"Yes I know."

We were on the coldest level in the cavern. This is where Katey kept her meats and vegetables. She had a lot in here.

It took us two hours to do this storeroom. Poor Zeus, he looked so bored.

"Done. Thank you Kylie. I have to start the evening meal. I have four more storerooms to do."

"I will come back later. Just send some one to get me when you have some time."

"All right Kylie. See you later."

"Bye Katey."

We walked back up to the main level. Katey went to her kitchen. Zeus brought me back to my quarters. "Thank you Zeus. I am sorry it is so boring for you."

"Nonsense Kylie. It is not boring. I am just not used to being around so much food. It has been awhile."

"Yes I know what you mean. See you later, Zeus."

"Bye Kylie."

He walked into my common room first and did a quick check to make sure everything was all right.

"Good Kylie. See you later."

"Bye Zeus."

After Zeus left I sniffed around to make sure no one had been here while I was gone. Caleb was making me paranoid. I was becoming constantly worried for Paddy and my children. I went into our shared private room. I tried to read one of Paddy's books but I could not concentrate.

I was so fidgety I started to pace something I do not remember ever doing. I walked into my bedroom. I stopped dead. Caleb had been in here.

I followed his scent. He came up from our private bathing pool. I followed the scent to my bed. My nose started to bleed. I could smell the silver. He has put something silver in our bed. Why?

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