Untitled Part 27

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Tessa and Gillian were down here in charge of the bedding. It was their job to make sure everyone who slept had a blanket and a mattress. If they were lucky a pillow." Gillian saw us. She waved.

"How is it going Gillian?" I asked.

"Well it is a challenge. They like to sleep all together. They are not like us with their own sleep cycle. When one goes to sleep. They all go to sleep."

"I guess it is easier for them that way. When Paddy and I were at their home many years ago. Everyone slept at the same time."

"Good thing they are all 'family' or this might be a little awkward."

"What do you mean Gillian?" She smiled shyly.

"They sleep together: Boy, girl or boy, boy or girl, girl or mother with son, you know what I mean." She blushed.

"Yes they are a very close family." Paddy said.

"I have noticed."

I could see Tessa handing out pillows, many refused them. They would lie down with their heads on whoever they were sleeping with.

Mikalia walked in with Wilbert. The room went silent.

"Thank you my love. This will do fine. I will only close my eyes here for only a minute. I promise." Wilbert was telling Mikalia.

"It is all right Senor. Take as much time as you need."

"You are so kind to me. What would I do without you?" He kissed her gently on the lips. He laid down on the first empty mattress and went straight to sleep.

Everyone else laid down and stayed quiet. Mikalia ushered everyone out who was not sleeping.

We left quietly. Mikalia was smiling.

"It is not very often that they have a chance to sleep with their grandfather. They waited for him to come." She said quietly.

Tessa and Gillian went to the next room to prepare it for the next group.

We went back to the main floor with Mikalia.

"The two females werewolves downstairs. They are twins, Si?"

"Yes Mikalia. They are. Why?" I asked curiously.

"Their babies will be beautiful like their mothers."

"The twins are pregnant?"

"Si Miss Kylie and I can tell you who the father is." She tilted her head to a group of werewolves. "The big black haired Russian, Vincent. I think he is called. He came to my home when you two were there."

"Do you think they know that they are with child yet?" I said.

"It is still too early for them to know but it will not be long. You seem very surprised that both girls are with babies?"

"Yes. Vincent has been with many women. He has no children with them. Now twin girls, I should not say girls, women are carrying his children."

"This has happen to Alberto too. He could not father a child with a woman of single birth but when he was with women of multiple births. He was able to father children with both at the same time." She shook her head. "I do not understand that at all." She shrugged her shoulders.

"This will make Vincent very happy." Paddy was just as happy about this as I was. Paddy is very proud of his children. He knows Vincent will be also.

Cassie and Quinn walked up from the main swimming pool. This was their post for the duration of Wilbert's family visit and the gathering to follow.

The Guard- Elders-Part 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें