Untitled Part 13

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A few days later the Senior Rileys came by to say goodbye.

"Goodbye Shaun. We will stop by the next time we are near." Shaun only nodded.

"Son, we do not want to leave on bad terms."

"Then you should not have came with them."

"Son Please." Crispin pleaded.

"Mother, I will see you again if the Gods permit." Marisa smiled. "I will see you in my heart, Son." They hugged.

"Goodbye Father."

"Goodbye Son."

Crispin waited for his hug but Shaun did not move. Crispin took his son's hand and held it, with both of his.

"Son, I apologise for my behaviour I should have met your family before I listened to Caleb."

"Yes you should have Father. You always told me to be fair. You do not practice what you preach, do you Father?"

"I guess I do not." He looked bashful.

I sat quietly while they said their goodbyes. I have caused enough problems in my family. Paddy bent down and took hold of my hand.

"Kylie?" He said softly. I did not look up at him. I knew my eyes were red. Paddy knew me too well. He crouched down in front of me.

"Kylie. It is not your fault."

"I know." I put my hand on his lips. "No Kylie." He shook my hand away. "You are not at fault here. Caleb started all this when he told them you were a threat."

"Paddy." I touched his cheek. "I do not like when I am the cause of bad feelings in a family especially my family." I said very quietly.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?" I shook my head. He held me tightly. "I love you more with my every breathe." I hugged him just as tightly.

We rocked gently in each other arms.

"Momma, Papa. I think someone wants to talk to you." Cassie said quietly.

I reluctantly let go of Paddy and faced the Senior Rileys.

"Kylie, we do not know how you will ever forgive us of our treatment of you. We should have come here first but we did not know what to expect after talking to Caleb. I am truly sorry."

Crispin actually looked sincere. Marisa took my hand. "We should have realised you were special person, Kylie when this entire family became hostile from our treatment of you. I just have one question. Why does Caleb dislike you so much?"

"I am not sure but it might have to do with my giving birth to Cassie in the Sacred Pool. He was not happy that a vampire was using it."

"Oh dear," Marisa shook her head, "Caleb does take his sacred objects to heart."

I gave her a slight smile. "I do hope someday you will forgive and forget."

"Well I maybe am able to forgive but I will not forget."

"Because vampires do not forget." We all said together then laughed.

"Our next visit Kylie, will be better, I promise." Crispin said.

"If you say so Mr. Riley." He laughed. "It better be or my son, grandson and great grandson will not let me forget it."

We all hugged each other goodbye.

They picked up a small bag each and left.

A few weeks after the Senior Rileys left. There was a small crate sent to the Councilwoman. The note read:

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