Untitled Part 48

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 "I know that but her scent is not like the rest of you. She has the scent of a mortal not a shapeshifter. Even when she is an animal. She smells human." Paddy gave me a curious look.

"What do we smell like to you?" He smiled.

"You all have a hint of a wild animal in you." I was very confused. Paddy smiled. "So that is how you can tell us apart." I nodded. "You have the panther scent." He held me tight in his arms. "Oh?" He kissed my nose. "Your father has a panther mixed with bear scent. While your mother has the albatross. Gen is an albatross with kitten. Cory has the cougar and eagle. Quinn is more like you. He has the panther but mixed with elephant." I shrugged my shoulders. "I do not understand the elephant part. Cassie is a kitten with a hint of a panther. Melissa has none of that. No animal scent at all so she confuses me greatly."

"I guess she would." I could not stop kissing him. I missed him so much.

When I was in the water. I was slightly aware of my surroundings. I would have strange dreams. I had one dream that had me waking up beside Jan. I told him about my dream. It was about this new life. He told me I had a great imagination. He laughed and turned into a werewolf then ran away into the woods.

I kissed Paddy again. "You are not a dream."

"No, I am very much here." He picked me up and laid me down on our bed. He made sure that my body knew that he was real. Thank goodness our bedroom was soundproof.

When we were done I was laying on top of Paddy. I started kissing his chest and teasing his nipples until he started to moan. He was ready for me again.

"I think I was greatly missed."

"More that you will ever know. I was hungry for you just as the fever started." I told him in between kisses.

"I remember you wanted to make love when I noticed how hot you were then you were in the water for a long time. It is a good thing you do not need to breathe."

He held my head in his hands and looked into my eyes. "Kylie your eyes are blue." He looked scared. He moved his hands down the side of my face. "Your fever has come back." I closed my eyes and groaned. "My head." I rolled off of him clutching my head.

"Kylie?" I was in so much pain. My whole body did not know what to do. When I opened my eyes. Paddy was standing over me. He looked really scared. "Kylie, you are shimmering." He moved away from me. "Paddy?" I whispered then my whole body felt very strange. It did not feel like it was my body.

I looked at my hands. "What the...?" My hands were covered in black fur. I stood up. Well I thought I stood up. I was on all four of my legs.

I looked for Paddy. He was standing near the large looking glass. I walked over to him. I caught a glimpse of myself. I was a black panther.

How? I thought to myself. I rubbed against Paddy and started to purr. He shifted into a panther also.

My hungry for him did not diminish when I shifted. It grew much stronger.

We mated viciously. There was nothing gentle about panthers mating.

We were lying next to each other on the floor. Paddy had shifted back into his human form. "Kylie concentrate on hands and feet. It will help you to shift back." I nodded I think.

I tried hard to think of hands and feet. Paddy watched my fur disappear, my claws turned into fingers. Turning back into human was slower then turning into a panther but I did it.

When I was done I was sweating. I have not sweated in over a century. It felt very...uncomfortable.

Paddy was smiling. He kissed me gently.

"You did it. I do not know how but you did it." I was still breathing heavily.

"That was so painful. Is it always like that?"

"Only the first few times and when I try a new animal." He smiled.

"Agh! That means you and the rest of the family are in a lot of pain."

"Not as much as you think. This was your first experience shifting. This is something you should not be able to do being a vampire." He kissed me gently and looked into my eyes. He smiled. "Your eyes are brown again." I held him tight. "It scared you, did it not?" I nodded. "It scared me too." He held me tighter. "Now we just have to figure out why you shifted?"

I was trembling. He rubbed my back and my arms. He rubbed where Melissa had bitten me. "Your arm is all healed. There is not a mark on it."

"Do you think Melissa's bite did this?"

"I am beginning to think so. Your fever started shortly after she bit you." He said.

"Imagine if she was older. Whatever is in her bite must be coming stronger as she gets older?"

"I do not know. Mom, Dad and I have never bitten a vampire so we do not know what happens to them."

"I think we may have just found out." He nodded. He caressed my face. "Well we are going to make sure this does not happen again."

"How? When we are not sure it was Melissa."

"I know Cassie was able to paralyse you. It must be Melissa's bite that will make you shift."

"I do not want to know what Quinn's bite will do."

"I do not think we will try anything for a while." He said quietly.

I pulled him closer to me. He held me tight and rocked me gently in his arms. This episode scared the two of us. I laid flat on the floor. Paddy rolled on top of me. We kissed and kissed. We made love gently holding on to each other.

"I am so thirsty."

"I would think so. You have not feed for over a month and you just went through two shiftings. You are going to need to feed very soon or I might become your meal."

"I will not bite you. I rather kiss you."

"Good. I would rather you kiss me too. I do not want you to sleep right now."

"No sleeping." I kissed his chin and kissed down to his belly.

"Are you still hungry for me?" He smiled.

"It is not as strong as it was but yes I am still hungry for you." He smiled again. "Then lets dress get you feed and lay under the stars."

"That sounds wonderful."

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