Untitled Part 16

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 "Yeah Cassie can you help me?"

"Sure Quinn. Let us go get your bed." They dashed into our room.

"I am going to find Quinn a chamber pot." Paddy laughed. "Good idea."

I left for one of the storerooms. I was not gone long. I found what I needed and returned to my quarters.

"Look Momma. Cassie and I moved my bed."

"That is good Quinn. Here is something you will need during your sleep cycle." I handed the chamber pot to him. "What is that for?"

"In case, you have to relieve yourself while everyone else is sleeping. You do not have to wake anyone up." Cassie told him. "I have one too."

"Oh all right." Cassie winked at me. I glanced at Paddy. He was blushing. Our daughter was growing up very fast.

At the next sleep cycle it was kind of strange. It was the first time since Cassie was born that Paddy and I were alone in our room. We took advantage of it.

Paddy snuggled into my neck and fell sleep. While my family slept I usually figured out what needed to be made like bread, some pies, different kind of meals and what I needed at the market the next time I went.

Paddy still slept with his arms wrapped around me.

The rest of the Rileys joined us for our evening meal after their sleep cycle was over. Gen was helping me set the table. "Kylie the next time I go to see Pete. Why not come with me?"

"When do you plan to see him again?"

"Tomorrow night. We are going to Tudor Castle to hear a bard."

"Oh that would be nice but I am on patrol tomorrow night with Paddy and the children. Perhaps another time." She looked a little sadden.

"Is there a problem Gen?"

"No, no. Pete has been asking about you. I thought it would be nice if you came with me."

"Oh I see." The family came into the kitchen. "Is dinner ready Kylie?" Paddy asked after taking a deep breathe smelling all the cooked food.

"Yes it is. Come and eat."

Everyone took a seat. I served the meal. They were all quiet while they ate which was normal. They do enjoy their food. Quinn broke the silence.

"Uncle Cory would you like to play chess tonight in my room?"

"Your room? Sure thing big man." Cory smiled. Quinn was all excited about his room. Quinn had set up his chess board before he went to sleep.

"Excuse me Momma I am done."

"All right Quinn." I stared at Paddy. This was the first time he has left the table first. He was usually the last to leave.

"Excuse me Kylie." I nodded to Cory.

The boys went to play chess.

Quinn almost looked the same age as Cory but Cory has sixty-four years on him. It still surprises me on how shapeshifters grow and age. Look at Paddy and Shaun. I am sure Shaun is at least twice Paddy's age. I thought, wait a minute. How old is Shaun? I will have to find out.

"Momma, Aunt Gen and I are going for a swim."

"All right Cassie."

"Excuse me Momma."

"Excuse me Kylie."

"All right girls." I looked confused. The girls left to go swimming at the main pool.

"Did I miss something? Why are they excusing themselves from the table? That is a first." They were laughing. "Okay what is so funny?"

Shaun and Colleen were crying they were laughing so hard.

"Remember when you 'invited' us to eat when my grandparents were here." I nodded. "Well they think they should make it a habit. That you have to 'invite' them to the table and they have to excuse themselves." Paddy chuckled. "How do you think myths are made?"

"Really? Is that what all this is about? They want to make a myth: true."

They nodded. I started to laugh. It sounded absolutely ridiculous.

"Now for tomorrow's patrol. I would like you to concentrate on the docks. Word has it that a shipment is coming from Moscow. I would like to know what is on the boat."

"All right Father. We will stay near the docks."

"Gen tells me that Pete is asking about me. She wants me to go with her the next time she goes to see him."

"When is she seeing him next?"

"Tomorrow night. I already told her I was on patrol."

"All right Kylie. I will make sure you can go with her next time." Shaun told me.

"Thank you Shaun. I am a little curious about him myself." Paddy looked a little upset. "If it is something like she is doing tomorrow night. You can come with me."

"What is she doing tomorrow night?"

"They are seeing a bard at Tudor Castle."

"A bard? Did she say who it was?"

"No Shaun. She did not." Shaun looked at his son. "Yes Paddy definitely go with Kylie. I do not trust him too much." Shaun looked at me. "I am sorry Kylie."

"Nonsense Shaun like I said I am curious also. If he is associating with Von Kessel. I would like to know what he is up to too."

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