Untitled Part 38

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Councilman Klaus was standing on the platform.

 "Guardsmen bring in the accused."

Fifty Guardsmen brought in the seven vampires.

"You are all charged for not disposing of your victims in a timely manner causing some mortals to come and investigate the smell. Which I am told was quite wide spread and very foul. Michael Marquis you are charged with assaulting one of the Guard while they were performing one of their duties. How do you plead?"

All the people were there waiting. We stood in our usual spots in front of the platform.

The rest of the Council came out of their chambers.

"Good morning to you all. It saddens me that we must delay your departure but you are needed for a trial." Everyone nodded that they understood.

"Councilman Klaus. I plead not guilty."

"Explain Michael."

"I was protecting my home. We never allow any one inside our dwellings. Regardless of who they are." He stared at me.

"Well Michael when it comes to one of the Guard performing their duties. Your home becomes their territory. It applies to all we govern. Where ever there are vampires, now werewolves and mixed bloods is our territory. We govern all. Do you understand, Michael?"

"Yes Sir."

"You have been a guest here in the cavern many times. You know how things are done but still you stopped them from doing their duty." Councilman Klaus shook his head.

"You give me no choice. You must be punished Michael along with whatever happens to the rest of your coven." Michael nodded.

"Now the rest of you. How do you plead?"

"We did not touch any of the Guard." Samantha told Councilman Klaus.

"I know Samantha. You and the rest of you are charged with not disposing of your victims in a timely manner."

"Oh that. Not guilty." Samantha answered.

They all plead not guilty. Councilman Klaus nodded.

"All right. Please explain why you are not guilty of this charge?" They looked at Roger. "Well Sir. It is like this. We ran out of lye. We were waiting for our next shipment to come in. Otherwise you would not have found out victims."

"Lye? You use lye?" Councilman Klaus shook his head.

"Yes Sir. We coat the bodies after we are done with them. It masks the smell and helps the bodies to breakdown and return to the earth. After a couple of months we bury what ever is left."

"When you ran out of the lye. Why did not you just bury the bodies?"

"None of us have ever buried a body without the lye Sir."

"I see." Councilman Klaus paced in front of the Council. "Who taught you how to dispose of a body this way?"

"Our creator Michael John." Roger said. The rest nodded in agreement.

"He never taught you other ways of disposing of your victims?"

They all shook their heads. Councilman Klaus nodded to Shaun. He left for the cells. The accused were in front of the platform becoming fidgety with nervousness. They did not know where Shaun had gone.

Shaun returned with Michael John. Now the group was really nervous.

"Welcome Michael John. It has been a while since we spoke."

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