Untitled Part 44

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 "Sir?" One of his workers asked him one day. "How is it that you are able to eat so much food? I have never seen anyone eat like you."

"Actually Robin. I am the one in my family that eats the less. My father and brother eat more than I do."

"You must have quite the farm to feed all of you."

"Yes we do and all the women in my family are excellent cooks. I am sure you have noticed?" Cory held up the plate of food he had in his hands. "Yes Sir I have noticed." He smiled around a mouthful of food.

Cory was the biggest eater in the family. He was just being careful around the humans. After his conversation with Robin. He would eat the majority of his meal down in the cavern and then go up to have a little something with his work crew.

It took Cory's crew three months to finish building the first boarding house. Cory told them all to choose a room because they were going to stay here while they built the other houses. Cory would pay them a dollar a week and charge them ten cents a week for room and board.

His workers were quite pleased. Before the fire it was costing the people to board twenty cents a week and still had to find work.

Now that his workers had a place to stay. He did not eat with them as much.

"Sir?" Robin had run up to Cory. "Yes Robin."

"Sir we miss you at our meals. We do enjoy your company."

"So does my family Robin." Cory smiled. "I will try to join you once in awhile."

"Ah Sir, its no bother. Your family is more important by far."

"Thank you Robin."

Cory made it a point to join Robin for a meal at least once a week. They became very good friends.

Cory was just finishing the third boarding house when Colleen and Shaun left for the Sacred Pond. We waited patiently for their return.

It was a fascinating scene watching buildings and houses being built. One day there would be burnt rumble then next day people clearing it away and putting down foundation stones.

Cory had one crew. He now had three. They started the foundation of the fourth boarding house. Another house beside it had been started a few days earlier.

Robin, who was in charge of the crew, was helping with the stones. A storm was coming in. They were hurrying to get the first layer in when a gale force wind knocked down the walls from the house beside them.

Many were injured by the falling debris. The silly people had put the glass panes in their windows before finishing the outer walls. Robin was one of the injured. Cory was very upset.

Robin had a deep gash on his arm. It bleed heavily. Cory tried to stop the bleeding but it kept running. He bound Robin arm tightly.

I was coming up with their meal. Cory ran over to me. Julian was not far away. He joined us also. "Kylie I can not stop the bleeding." Cory was very agitated.

"Let me take a look. All right?" Cory just nodded.

Julian was behind me. "Kylie do you think it is safe to go near all that blood?" Julian whispered. I looked at him. "I know it is safe for me."

"I will wait here." Julian caught my meaning.

I knelt beside Robin. "Let me take a look Robin."

"I am all right Mum." He looked embarrassed for bleeding. "Robin, Cory is not that good at wrapping wounds." I looked at the wrapping job he had done. "Of course, he is Mum. He is the best." Robin smiled at Cory.

"Robin, let Kylie look at your arm."

I untied the wrappings. I looked at the gash. Robin's blood smelled bad like most mortals to me. I pressed along the gash. He jumped when I hit a tender spot. I pressed it again. I could feel something sharp. I signed to Cory. 'Hold him.' Cory knelt down beside his friend. "Hey lad. How are you feeling?" Cory wrapped his arms around him. Holding his other arm down against him and gripping the wrist of his injured arm.

"Hey! What is this about, Sir?"

"Shh! Robin." Cory nodded to me. I gripped the glass shard and pulled it out of his arm. Robin screamed. He knew a lot of words unfit for a woman to hear. I showed him and Cory the piece of glass. Both of them had big eyes.

"That came out of me Mum."

"Yes Robin that is why it would not stop bleeding." Cory nodded, "I guess I should have checked for more glass."

"You did all right Cory. You came and found help." He smiled. "Yes I did." I checked for more glass. I wrapped Robin's arm up with a fresh cloth.

"It feels like new Mum."

"It is not quite new yet, Robin. You must rest it for it to heal."

"But Mum. I have to build a house."

"I know Robin but do not lift anything with that arm. Do you understand?" I looked at Cory. He nodded.

"Robin, I am going to need help counting up what is left of our building supplies to see if I need more for this house. You will be helping me."

"Yes Sir." Robin smiled. I checked the other injured workers. The rest only had some scraps and bruises. Robin was standing where the windowpane fell. He had the most serious of all injuries.

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