Untitled Part 65

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Shaun and the Elders were sitting in our common room the next morning. I was in the kitchen making tea.

"Kylie where is Paddy and Quinn?" Shaun was standing behind me. "They have gone to the village."

"Quinn's 'hell' has started." I nodded. "He will be fine. I have never seen a shifter who was able to control himself as well as Quinn. Do not worry they will be back before you know it."

"I hope so." He gave me a hug.

I brought the tea to the Elders. They thanked me. I went for a swim.

Cassie came down and joined me. We floated around the pool. I helped wash her hair. She helped with mine.

"Mom do you need to feed?" I nodded.

We went upstairs and dressed.

We left through the beach entrance. We swam down the Thames to the Channel then crossed it. We were in Amsterdam by nightfall.

"Where are you going?" Cassie asked me. "To Loren."


"I was thinking of visiting Athos."

"That is a wonderful idea." She smiled. She missed him too.

We ran to Loren.

We were standing at Athos' front door. Cassie knocked. The door was opened by a very pregnant Anna. She did not say a word. She just hugged me.

"Anna, Love. Who is at the door?" She was crying.

"Kylie and Cassie." She had not finished saying our names that Athos was at the door greeting us.

"Is everything all right?" He looked at the two of us.

"Yes Athos. We just wanted to come by and say hello."

"This is magnificent. Please come in."

"You can obviously see our news."

"Yes Athos. Congratulations to both of you." They were just beaming. We hugged them both. Athos looked around. "Where is Paddy and Quinn?"

"Paddy took him to the village in Ireland."

"I see." We walked into the sitting room.

We sat down. Anna wanted to ask us something.

"What is new?" I asked them. "Other than the obvious." Pointing to Anna.

"Nothing really. Just waiting for the baby to come." Athos said.

"Kylie how long are you staying?" Anna asked.

"I do not know we did not really tell anyone where we were going. Why?"

Anna looked very shy suddenly. "I was hoping you could help with the birth?" I smiled. "I would be honoured to help you." Her smile lite up the room.

"I will go and prepare the guest room." She went to stand. The three of us just stared at her. She looked back at us. "Right never mind. I am so used to mortals coming to visit. I forgot." She was very nervous.

"Getting a lot of visitors Athos?"

"Yes I am. It seems the Town Council wants me to become their Mayor. Only because I have such a large property." He pointed out of the window.

"Is that why they wanted to talk to you?"

"Yes. Your Grandsons have been coming here trying to talk me into it."

"Really how often do they come by?"

"One of them comes by at least once a week."

"Bothersome are they?"

The Guard- Elders-Part 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora