Untitled Part 87

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The next morning we were sitting in our chairs listening to the Magistrate Marlow explain the reports that Magistrate Bayswater told us the day before.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. These two are the Elders of their Clan. He is the Shaman." He pointed them out. "They are allowed to meet. I am sure all of you have met with your shamans on numerous occasions."

He strutted in front of the audience.

"Oh and about Caleb trying the stew. He was seeing if the Rileys would like it for their meal that night."

He went through some of the reports.

"And the one about melting silver. They wanted to make silver crests for their Clan for this gathering. A keepsake if you will."

He took a few more reports and tried to give reasons for them.

He stayed clear of the bat and rabbit one and Caleb not helping me.

"This one here is from Mrs. Messner. She says here that she smelled Caleb around her stew. She thought nothing of it at the time."

"'She thought nothing of it.' What does that tell you? No one feared him or the Elder Rileys. Why should anyone fear them? They are such nice people. They have treated me with nothing but respect."

There were a few snickers behind us.

Paddy turned to see who it was. He nodded to them. He signed in front of me.

'Every time the magistrate goes to see them. They yell and put him down.' Everyone who could see snickered. The Council saw the message that Paddy received from the Guard.

Magistrate Marlow kept going through the reports.

"You know it would be nice if we could actually talk to some of these people." He showed everyone the pile of reports.

Elder Camarillo banged his gavel. "You know the number one rule Phineas. Keep our world secret."

"Yes of course Elder Camarillo. It was just wishful thinking."

I saw Councilman Klaus nod to someone off to the right. He then wrote something on a piece of parchment and showed it to an Elder.

"Yes you are right Councilman Klaus its time for a break."

"We will break for a noon meal. We will return in three hours." He banged his gavel.

The Elder and The Council went into their chambers.

I asked Paddy if he was hungry. He was not. We sat in our chairs quietly. Everyone had gone down to the kitchen.

We saw Dennis bring Magistrate Bayswater to the Council chamber. Athos and Zeus followed shortly after.

"What is going on?" Paddy whispered into my ear.

"I do not know."

Athos and Zeus left and went out through one of the boarding house exits.

Magistrate Bayswater came and sat with us.

"It seems the Council has an idea. We are going to try."

"Oh?" Paddy said softly.

"Have you ever heard of compelling?" I nodded. "It seems Athos and Zeus are very good at it. They are going to bring one of the witnesses down to be questioned."

"Is it really necessary to bring a mortal down here?" Paddy asked.

"The Council feels everyone is being hit with reports. An actual witness might help present the case better."

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