Untitled Part 82

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 "Who taught you to hunt that way?"

"No one. I do not like to chase down my meal. I have only chased an animal once. I did not like it."

"And she did not leave too much of it behind." Paddy said.

"Yes I kind of tore it apart."

"Oh dear." Theo said. "Well we are back. I will see you later. I am going to find my parents." He smiled broadly and walked away.

"He seems like a nice person." I said.

"He does, does he not?" Paddy put his arm around me. "Mom. Dad. I am tired. I am going to go to bed." Cassie said. "Me too." Quinn said.

"All right." I answered.

We followed them back to our quarters. It was Paddy's time also.

We were lying in bed. Paddy held me in his arms.

"I asked Uncle Theo where he had been all this time. He told me that when he went through his hell. He had shifted into an albatross. He flew West. He did not stop until he found land. It took him a long time."

"Really?" I whispered. "It was just nature and himself. He remembered everything. There were no other humans around."

"He did not come across anyone for almost a hundred years. He has been across the ocean all this time and he has been shifting the whole time too. It was recently that he had heard the message we had sent out."

"He said as he prepared to fly back across the ocean. He noticed a lot of shifters flying and swimming to the British Empire."

I looked up into his face. "Do you think this is where all the shifters have gone?"

"Its beginning to look like it."

We kissed then snuggled into each other. He was asleep.

I laid there in my husband's arms wondering what had made Theo cross the ocean. Paddy mumbled in his sleep. "Love you." I whispered back. "I love you." and kissed him gently so I would not wake him up. He smiled.

That is when I knew why Theo flew across an ocean. He had been following a female something or other. It was not because he shifted into an animal and lost his human self. He shifted and looked for love.

Liam and Lizzy probably did not go with him to the village. That would be the only reason why they did not know what happened to him.

It took me the entire time while Paddy slept to figure this out.

Paddy kissed my cheek then rolled on top of me. His kisses made me tingle all over. We made passionate love.

We went down to bathe. He combed out my long brown hair. He hugged me from behind. "I love you." I stood up and turned around to face him. "I love you too." We kissed and being naked. Well you know.

Afterwards I was in the kitchen making my family's breakfast. Cassie and Quinn came in both of them kissed me on the cheek.

"Where is Dad?" Quinn asked.

"In his room." I put the food on the table.

"I will get him Mom." I nodded.

They were all dressed in their finest clothes. Today was the Summer Solstice it was the first day of the multi-clan shapeshifters gathering.

I, however, was dressed in some very worn out clothes. I was going to cull some more chickens before the gathering started.

"Mom you will be there for the opening ceremony?"

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