Untitled Part 71

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Cassie and Quinn each carried one of their siblings. They were wrapped in a blanket that Colleen had made for them.

There was a loud buzzing noise coming from the corridor as we walked down to the square.

As we entered the square we were met by the entire Guard, Council and all the Elders.

They bowed to us.

"Oh my God. Look at all of them." Gen whispered.

I was not sure what time it was. I asked Paddy. "It is midnight, Kylie. We will not be noticed."

"How can anyone miss this many people?"

"It is all right. We have done it before." He said quietly.

"Really? Who's?"

"Anthony's." I nodded Athos and Julian's mentor.

We led the procession out of the cavern to the Riley Family burial plot. The trees that were there had been destroyed in the fire. Shaun, Paddy, Cory and Quinn replaced them with new trees of various ages.

Sven conducted the burial service. It was appropriate for non family members to do this. He made it quick and simple.

Paddy and I planted two seedlings, Cassie and Quinn helped. When we were done Paddy turned to our fellow mourners.

"Thank you all for coming. We appreciate your support." We bowed to them.

Then we all headed back to the cavern.

Katey put her hand on my shoulder.

"I have enough food prepared for everyone, Kylie. Send them to the kitchen."

"Thank you Katey."

We did just that.

All of us Rileys sat at one table and everyone stopped by to make sure everything was all right and to give us their sympathies.

I noticed Julian and Vincent trying to get to us. They kept looking at the people in the far corner table then back to us.

Unfortunately, they were at the back of the line or maybe they planned it that way.

Finally they reached the table. They signed to us. 'We need to speak privately.' We nodded then they gave their condolences.

We finished our meal then we went to our quarters. Julian and Vincent were there a few minutes later.

"We are sorry for all the secrecy. You will understand after what we have to tell you." Julian said.

"All right Julian. Let us hear it." Shaun asked.

"Vincent and I were standing near that Caleb fellow when you and Kylie came onto the square. He was quite shocked that you were still alive."

"What?!" Paddy said shocked.

"His words were 'That bitch is still alive. Does nothing kill her?' We both heard him and so did about fifty others"

"Right now. The fifty are keeping a close eye on him. Zeus wanted to drain him but we stopped him. He is a shaman to your clan Shaun. We decided to come and tell you and see what you want us to do?" Vincent asked.

"It is good that you came to us. I will bring it to the Elders. Are you willing to tell them what you have told us?"

"Yes of course Shaun. We feel that he is responsible for the deaths of Kylie and Paddy's children. Anything we can do to help."

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