Untitled Part 46

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Councilwoman Cleo answered him. "He is just as happy as Vincent."

Cory came running into the room. "Kylie?" He ran to me. "Robin. There is something wrong with him." He sounded worried.

"What is wrong Cory?" I had a few ideas flashing through my head.

"He is sweating, complaining about being cold. He shivers being cold then tells me he is hot."

"He has a fever Cory." I got up and headed for the door. "Where are you going?" I looked back at Cory. "I am going to see what is causing his fever." He smiled. "There could be a reason for his fever?"

"Come on Cory. Let us go see your friend." I kissed Paddy's cheek before I left. "I will not be long."

When we were in corridor to the boarding house. Cory stopped. "Kylie, Robin was talking to me when I was visiting him earlier."

"That is good at least he recognized you." Cory gave me that look like he was not suppose to recognize him. "What is it Cory?"

"I was a bird sitting at the foot of his bed." The shock on my face was quite clear. "What?!"

"He called me by name. That is when I knew something was wrong."

"That was definitely a bad sign."

We hurried to Robin's room. I knocked then walked in. "Ah! Mrs. Riley. Nice to see your pale face. Come to drain me of my blood." I stared at him then I looked at Cory.

"See what I mean. How could he know?"

"Ah Sir. You are back, at least now you can talk to me instead of chirping."

"I take it you are not feeling well?" I asked him.

"No Mrs. Riley. Am not. I freeze one minute then I am so bloody hot I can not stand having me blankets on."

"Yes well. I am here to see if we can stop that from happening."

I unwrapped his arm. It was healing nicely. No redness around the wound. I checked his other wounds. They were all right. I checked his forehead to see how hot he was then I brushed my hand through his hair something cut my hand. I looked closer. He had several glass shards in his head. My hand had a few small cuts in it. I showed Cory.

"Kylie are you all right?"

"Yes." I nodded towards Robin. Cory looked at Robin's head. "How did we miss them?"

"I do not know but it might be what is causing his fever?"

"What do we do?"

"They have to come out." I said.

"Who has to go out? What are you two whispering about?" I had not realized we were whispering. Cory gave him a strange look. "How is the head Robin?"

"It throbs like a drum Sir." Cory had asked in a normal voice. "Kylie and I are going to take care of that for you."

"Thank you both. It has not stopped since I laid down." He moaned slightly.

I signed to Cory to hold him while I pull out the shards. He nodded. Cory sat on the bed. Robin groaned. "Sorry Man." Robin brushed it away.

I stood close to the head of the bed. I nodded. Cory held his head still while I pulled the shards out. I could hear Robin grinding his teeth together. I was extremely fast. I ran my fingers through his hair to make sure I found them all. I had.

I looked around his room for the wash basin. There was none. I went to the washroom to find one. They was plenty of towels, soap, washcloths and a basin. I filled it with lukewarm water then headed back to his room. Robin was trying hard not to cry. He was in a lot of pain.

"It is not wash day yet Mom." Robin said as I walked in to the room. "Just your hair Robin."

"Oh that is all right Mom."

I placed the basin on the dresser and grabbed a chair. "All right Robin. I need you to sit in this chair and lean your head back."

"All right Mom." He did what I asked. I took the pitcher and poured the water over his head.

"Mm... that feels wonderful Mom." I looked at Cory. I signed. 'He thinks I am his mother.' Cory signed back. 'I know. He thinks I am his father.'

I washed the blood out of his hair and scalp. I gently pushed the skin back together. I sliced my finger on one of the glass shards and ran it along the cut skin on his head. It closed almost immediately. It took a little while to close all the holes on Robin's head.

Paddy came looking for us. He entered Robin's room quietly enough for a mortal not to hear him. He did not speak just signed. He asked what the problem was. Cory told him about the glass shards. Paddy watched me close up the last cut. He stood there with his mouth hanging open. Then signed, 'You are using your blood to seal up the cuts.' I signed back. 'It was the fastest way to close up all the cuts in his head.' He nodded that he understood.

When I was done Cory scooped him up and put him back to bed. He had fallen asleep. He mumbled that the drums had finally stopped.

I cleaned up all the glass and blood. I returned everything back to the washroom. Cory gave him a quick once over then we left for our own beds.

Cory checked on Robin every few hours to make sure his fever did not come back. Robin never mentioned us being in his room or the wounds on his head.

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