Untitled Part 41

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 I answered the door.

"Excuse me Madam. Welcome to Loren. I hope you are enjoying your stay here?" He said in the local dialect. "Yes I am. It is so beautiful here."

I answered back. The man looked shocked. "I understood you were from London. I did not think you also understood and spoke the language." I smiled.

"Yes I do. How can I help you? Mr.?"

"Oh! I am Larry Vander and these gentlemen are my cousins. Jan Henry, Willem Milner and Roger Matten." They all bowed as they were introduced. I wonder what kind of reaction I would get from them if I told them I was their great, great, great, great grandmother to all of them.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you." I smiled and curtseyed.

"My dear Lady, you do not have to curtsy to us. We are just local farmers, bakers and florists. We are not noblemen."

"I am being polite young man. Did your mother ever tell you not to question your elders?"

"My dear Lady, you can not be older than any of us?" I smiled. "I will not tell you my age as long as you do not question my manners." I smiled again. "Now how can I help you? I am sure you came here for a reason."

"Yes, yes, we did. We were wondering if it was all right to hunt on this property."

"I am afraid not. At least not while I am here anyway. I am only using the house for a little while then the Baron and Baroness will be here. You will have to come and ask Baron Boulder for permission then."

"The Baron and Baroness are coming here?" Larry smiled and clapped his hands. "Excellent. The town council has been wanting to speak with him for a while now."

"Well you will have your chance in about six months."

"Six months but you said a little while."

"Yes that is a little while. It is only six months Mr. Vander."

"Yes I understand. Thank you for your time, Mrs.?" Larry smiled.

"Mrs. Riley." I smiled.

"Yes. Thank you. Mrs. Riley."

I closed the door. Athos was standing behind the door. "You do that so well." He smiled. "I had a good teacher."

"I have six months before the town council comes to see me."

"That should give you enough time to find out what they want."

Athos nodded. We walked into the kitchen. Anna and my family were eating. Gen, I noticed was bouncing on her seat.

"They were all your grandsons?" She smiled.

"Yes they were."

"Momma will we be able to meet them?"

"Perhaps but you can never tell them that we are related to them, Quinn."

"I understand. It would be very difficult to explain."

"That it would Son." Paddy nodded. "That is something you will always have to be careful of when it comes to your mother's side of the family. Your fellow descendants would not understand."

"Fellow descendant Papa?"

"Yes Cassie. You all have descended from your mother. She is the common link in the family."

"I see with out Mom. We would not be related to them."

"That is right Quinn." He looked a little puzzled. "When we are back home in the cavern take a look at your mother's genealogy chart. It might be easier for you to understand."

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