Untitled Part 31

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The vampires started arriving for the gathering. Within a week the cavern was full. I watched all the new vampires coming in with their creators. It looked to be about twenty.

Paddy was standing beside me. "Do you know this will be the first gathering that I have participated in that has only one vampire on trial for making vampires without permission." Paddy told me while we watched the people come in and greet old friends.

"Really? Well this is my first gathering that I am part of the Guard and not a scared new vampire. What a difference a century makes." I laughed.

Athos and Julian came to stand with us.

"What is so funny?" Athos asked.

"The first time I was here to now."

Athos and Julian looked at each other and smiled. "We were saying the same thing when we first came here we were mortals."

"That is right you were." I said.

"The things we have seen and done."

"You are getting a little melancholy now are you not Athos?"

"No Julian. I just miss Anna."

"I know what you mean. They will be back in two days."

"Who will be back Julian?" Franklin asked.

"Our mates." Franklin looked at me. Paddy put his hand on my shoulder possessively. Franklin was about to say something then changed his mind. Instead he said. "How have you all been since the last time that I saw you?"

"We have all been well Franklin and you?"

"You know me Athos. I just travel around seeing things. Have you heard about the King of Spain giving gold to a man who wants to find a better route to the Orient? What a waste of gold. The King had three ships built for just that purpose." Franklin just shook his head. He turned to a voice on the far side of the cavern.

"Ah! Barkley is here. Well I will talk to you later." Franklin strolled off.

"Is it always like this?" I asked Paddy.

"Yes they come and chat for a bit then wonder off." I nodded.

The Crier this time was Zeus. "Hearye, Hearye. The Vampire World Gathering will now come to order." Total silence.

The Council floated in. Paddy and the rest of our family went to the front. We stood in front of their platform where the Council was standing.

Councilman Klaus stepped forward.

"Welcome my friends. I can hardly believe it has been a century since we have seen some of you. Welcome my friends. Welcome."

"We have only one trial this time and some very important matters to discuss."

"If there are any of you who need to feed do it now. We will reconvene tomorrow at dawn. Until then my friends."

He bowed to his audience then the Council left to their chamber.

Everyone was wondering what we were going to be discussing.

The Council sent word to Vincent to be here for noon the next day. Colleen flew swiftly to Scotland. She was back an hour later. She went straight to the Council chamber to let them know that Vincent received the message.

At dawn the next day. The Council registered the new vampires. It was almost noon when they were done. Councilman Klaus called everyone to order.

The entire Guard was positioned around the cavern in plain sight. We Rileys, of course, were in front of the Council.

The Guard- Elders-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now