Untitled Part 21

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"Quinn where are you?"

"Here Momma." He was crying.

I turned around he was against the fence with Mick the baby elephant.

I could smell blood and it was not Quinn's. "Oh no." I ran to Mick.

"He is still breathing." Paddy was beside me. "Where has he been hit?" We felt around for the hole. "I can not find it." I said. "Neither can I." Paddy said desperately.

"I found it." Quinn said. It was just above the right front leg near the ribs. Paddy turned his finger in to a small pair of hands and went into the hole. He was very gentle. Mick groaned. "It is all right, Big Boy. I am trying to be gentle." A minute later. "I got it. I think"

Judy was behind us sniffing. She was making whimpering noises like she was crying.

"What was that noise, Momma? It scared Judy. She pushed us into the fence."

"The noise was a Haarbus. It is not the first time we have had experience with it."

"Why did she push us?" Quinn asked.

"She was pushing you out of danger."

I noticed that Judy kept sniffing Quinn. He would gently push her trunk away. Vincent and Gillian had jumped over the back part of the enclosure. They ran straight for Quinn. "Are you all right Quinn?"

"Yes, I am fine, Gillian." He looked a little sheepish. Vincent crouched down in front of him.

"I saw you go down Quinn. Where did it get you?"

"I am fine Vincent. Honestly."

Vincent turned to me. Paddy was concentrating on what he was doing. He was not paying attention to Vincent.

Paddy was excited. "I got it." He had pulled the shot out of Mick. Judy smelled it. She was enraged by the smell of her baby's blood.

She started tapping him with her trunk.

"Kylie, he has lost a lot of blood. Do you think your blood would heal him?"

"I do not know. What do you think werewolf venom would do to an elephant?"

"If he turns into a werewolf. He is going to be a big one?" Paddy checked his coat pockets "I do not have my knife with me." Vincent's pocket knife appeared in between us.

"Thank you Vincent." I took it from him.

I sliced my wrist and placed it on the hole. Judy kept her trunk near my hand. She was smelling my blood. Mick started to make a whimpering sound. Judy tapped him. Mick moaned. Judy turned her attention to Quinn. She started tapping his chest with her trunk. "Stop it Judy. I am fine. Why does no one believe me?" Paddy walked over to him.

"Obviously Son. They are concerned about you. Now show me." Quinn sat up reluctantly and showed his father where the shot hit him.

He had a small hole just below his right nipple. It was not bleeding. Paddy turned him around. There was no exit hole.

"Its still inside you Quinn. I have to take it out. All right?"

"All right Papa."

By this time the rest of the group had arrived at the enclosure. Everyone was there except Pete. They had jumped over the fence.

Paddy was lying Quinn down on the ground.

"This might hurt a bit Son?" Paddy said gently.

"All right Papa." He said nervously.

Paddy made his finger into a pair of hands again. He followed the path of the shot. Shaun and Colleen held Quinn down so he did not move suddenly.

Mick was standing up. Judy had her trunk wrapped around Mick's trunk. They stood near Quinn.

Judy and Mick were rocking back and forth waiting patiently for Quinn to get up too.

"Papa stop for second. It is getting hard to breathe." Quinn gasped. Paddy stopped.

"I am in your lung Son. I am trying to find the little ball."

I went to Quinn's head. Cassie was right beside me.

"Quinn, Love. You are part vampire. You do not need to breathe all the time. Hold your breathe."

"All right Momma." He whispered.

"I know it hurts but we must find it or you will not heal." Quinn nodded. Paddy had his eyes closed. He was feeling around. "I see it." A minute later he had the ball in the palm of his hand. He was showing it to Quinn. I watched as the hole in his chest close up. Once it was closed. I started to breath so did Cassie.

"That little thing hurt that much."

"Yes I know. I have had one in me too. They do not feel very good."

"You have been hit by one of these balls" Quinn was getting better. He was upset that I had been hurt.

"Quinn it was a long time ago. Breathe." Quinn was panting. He took a few deep breaths and calmed down. Quinn stood up and the elephants came over and hugged him with their trunks. He patted their trunks.

"Yes I am better so is Mick. Look at you Big Boy."

The two of them rocked back and forth on their feet. It looked like they were dancing. We heard people entering the zoo. We pressed ourselves against the dark side of the enclosure. They were mortals. They could not see us.

Paddy and Shaun checked Mick to make sure he was not bleeding anymore. He was going to be all right. Judy wrapped her trunk around me and gave me an elephant hug.

"Your welcome Big Momma." I patted her trunk. She rocked back and forth on her feet too. Everyone hugged the elephants goodbye.

We left the enclosure I looked at our clothes. They were covered in blood. I could hear water running. I motioned to everyone to follow me.

Everyone who had blood on their clothes jumped into the fountain to rinse the blood off.

It was easier to explain being wet than having blood all over us. Especially when none of us had been bleeding.

We headed back inside. Pete was looking a little frantic. "Where did you go Gen? I was worried."

"I am sorry, my nephew, Quinn was out on the grounds for a walk. I went to make sure he was all right but instead I found him hiding in the fountain. He pulled some of us in as a joke so we are a little wet." Pete glanced at our dripping clothes. He went to Shaun. "May I have one more dance with Gen before we leave?"

"Certainly but who said anything about leaving." Pete looked a little confused.

"But you are all wet."

"It is only water Pete. We will be fine." Pete nodded then he offered his arm to Gen. They went to dance.

"Come on. Let us dry our clothes out on the dance floor."

Shaun led the way. It took a few dances to dry our clothes. We had fun doing it.

Gen was not very pleased that Pete had brought the Haarbus to London and was planning to bring more. It kind of soured their relationship. She did not go and see him as often. Finally, she ended it.

The King sold Judy and Mick to a zoo in Europe. We were all saddened by this.

We discovered later on it was a zoo in Leon. We decided that the next time we happened to go there. We will go and see them.

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