Untitled Part 64

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 "No not yet."

"I do have to feed our family."

"That is true. Are you having anymore cravings?"

"No." I smiled.

"Let me know if you do." He smiled.

"Most definitely." I kissed him.

There was a tap at the door. Paddy went to answer it.

"Hello Jules. Please come in."

"Thank you Paddy. Oh they are still here."

"Yes they are."

The Elders noticed Jules standing there. "Oh thank you Jules. We will be right down."

"Very well Sir." Jules turned to leave. He signed something to Paddy. He acknowledge him with a nod.

I was standing by the kitchen door. Paddy signed to me that he would be right back. I nodded.

"Elders, Grandparents. Katey does not like to be kept waiting. This is your third summons. She will not summon you again. She also does not like to waste food." This got them moving.

"Oh no we can not have that. You must not waste food." They stood up to leave.

"I am sorry Council but we must go and eat. Will it be all right to continue our chat at a later time?"

"Of course Liam. Come to the Council chamber after you all have eaten." Councilman Klaus told the Elders.

"Thank you Councilman Klaus. We will see you all later."

"Of course." They bowed to each other.

The crowd left. Paddy pickup Caleb's cage with his sword. He left with the Elders and the Council.

I checked on the food cooking on the stove. He was back a few minutes later.

"It smells good." He kissed me on my neck.

"Thank you." I turned to face him. "That was a good idea about wasting the food."

"You like that, did you?"

"Uh huh." We kissed.

We heard giggling in the other room.

"I think our children are back." He whispered in my ear. I nodded. We turned together towards the common room.

"How was your patrol?" Paddy asked them.

"Same as usual. Boring." Quinn said.

"You do not find patrol exciting?"

"Yes and no. After the European patrol and seeing all those different areas."

"I guess it can seem a little dull." Paddy ruffled his hair.

"I guess so." He flashed a quick smile. His blue eyes were turning jet black. I was at his side in an instant.

"How are you feeling?" Paddy crouched down in front of him.

"I do not ...It seems ..." He sighed. "I am not sure." He looked at us quickly. "I do feel very tired."

"All right Son. Maybe lay down for a bit. We will call you when your dinner is ready."

He nodded. He stood up and walked into his room. Cassie watched her brother go into his room and closed the door.

"I do not know what is wrong with him. He could not stay still. He was irritable. He could not concentrate on the patrol." She was very worried about him.

We went into the kitchen. I made them some tea. They were staring into their teacups when we heard Quinn scream.

I was the first one through the door. He was in mid shimmer. Paddy grabbed me and put me behind him.

"Kylie go get my bag. I am going to take him up to the village."

I placed Paddy's bag in his hand a few seconds later. "I do not know when we will be back." He kissed me. "I know." I touched the side of his face.

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