Untitled Part 78

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 "It is good to see you old friend. Where is Anna?" Julian hugged Athos. "She is feeding Arthur." Julian looked at him curiously. "Our son." Julian face had a huge grin.

"Its time for a celebration, Papa."

"How do you want to celebrate Julian?" Athos eyed him suspiciously.

"Well we can not do it the old way." He shrugged his shoulders. "Deer, elk, bear, seal. Take your pick."

"We will wait until Anna is back. I am sure she will be hungry too."

We hear a group of women laughing and heading towards us. It was Gillian, Tessa, Serina and Anna walking back to the square.

Now everyone had a turn holding Arthur. We were all crowded around Athos and Anna. I moved slowly away. Mikalia walked over to me and took my hand.

"Come with me Kylie." She whispered. I nodded.

We went to my quarters. Cassie and Quinn came out of my bedroom.

"Hello Mikalia. Mom."

"Hello." I smiled. I was suddenly embraced by them. "Mom what is wrong? You look so sad."

"I will be all right." They broke from the hug.

"Athos and Anna are here."

Cassie nodded.

"I will go get dressed and meet them."

"All right." They both left to dress.

Mikalia and I were sitting in the common room when they emerged from their rooms.

"Are you sure you are all right?"

"Yes Cassie I am sure. Now go and say hello."

"All right Momma." They both kissed me then left.

"Kylie are you sad for Athos?" Mikalia asked.

"No I am happy for him. He is finally a father."

"Your children worry about you a lot?"

"Yes they do. I have such loving children."

"Then why so sad?"

"Athos knew I was with child. He is going to want to know what happened."

"Then tell him."

"It hurts so much to talk about it."

"Soon it will not hurt so much."

"I hope so I feel so empty." I rubbed my belly. Paddy came running in.

"Kylie are you all right?" He knelt in front of me.


"I looked around and you were gone." He looked at my eyes. "It hurts to see his baby." I nodded. He held me tight. "It will happen again."

"I know." I whispered.

The door opened Cassie and Quinn came in with Athos, Anna and Arthur.

"There you are. You disappeared. Did I say something wrong?" He was greatly concerned.

"No Athos you did not." He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Then why did you leave?" I could not answer him. "Kylie please tell me what I did wrong?"

"Athos you did not do anything wrong?" I glanced at Mikalia. "What is bothering you? I have never seen you like this. Please."

I looked at Anna and Arthur. Athos followed my gaze. He turned back to me. "Oh Kylie, you were with child the last time I saw you." He said in a whisper. I nodded. "What happened?"

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