Untitled Part 51

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I helped Cassie pack up some things for her patrol. Paddy was with Quinn getting him ready.

We went to the training square to see them off.

Twenty of the Guard were taking a boat to Leon. They will be meeting up with twenty of Wilbert's family. Afterwards they will split into two groups. One will head North. The other will go South. They will then head towards each other zigzagging across Europe until they reach Berlin where they will meet.

The Leon group will come to London to finish their patrol before heading home. Shaun thinks it will take them around three months to complete it. If they encounter any problems they deemed necessary. They will send a small group home with the offenders.

Cory and Gen are in charge of the patrol when they split up. They will have their own group to take care of. Cassie and Quinn will be their assistants.

This will be the first time they all will have this duty.

Katey was extremely nervous. She worries constantly about her son, Benjamin. Jules, her husband, was always telling her. "Do not worry. He knows how to take of himself. That is why we came here. Remember."

Cory and Gen were going through their checklist. They had to bring enough supplies for the duration of the patrol but not too much. Everything had to be carried. They were not using horses or wagons.

They were too skittish around the werewolves and some of the vampires.

Everyone would be carrying a small bag of personal items and then a larger bag of cooking equipment and food. They did not need much, most of the time. They would be hunting in the woods.

The hardtack and dried meat was mainly for appearance sake if they should happen to meet a group of mortals on their patrol.

Vincent was seeing off Hugo. Julian and Serina were hugging Curtis goodbye. All our children were going except Tessa and Gillian. They had their own children to take care of.

Colleen and Shaun were standing quietly watching their children and grandchildren getting everyone ready. Melissa was happy in her mother's arms.

Once everyone was on broad. Our children came to say their goodbyes. We did not need to say anything just a hug goodbye. Anything we had to say was said earlier.

We watched the boat sail down the Thames.

Paddy and I were scheduled for a patrol soon. We went to get ready. I was in the habit lately of wearing dark clothes when on patrol and lighter browns when in the cavern. Keeping the more colourful clothing for dresses and gowns.

On our patrol we noticed the plant life was coming back. Small shrubs, grasses and seedlings were growing every where. Great Britain was going from black to green. Finally.

I missed the children's constant chatter when we sat for our meals.

I was holding Melissa while Colleen ate. She kept grabbing for her food. She had a hold of a piece of carrot. I squashed it in between my fingers. She sucked the carrots off my fingers then smacked her lips for more. I went to get some more carrots from the pot. I put them in a bowl them mashed them up.

I was not fast enough. She grabbed handfuls and tried to put it in her mouth. I am sure she had more on her than in her. She certainly enjoyed herself.

When Quinn was not around she never shifted. She stayed her happy baby self.

A few weeks after the children left. Shaun and Paddy were going over the patrol schedules seeing that we were missing twenty Guardsmen. They needed to move some people around to fill up the vacancies.

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