Untitled Part 61

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I heard Cassie moving around in the kitchen. She was starting breakfast.

"Cassie's cooking." Paddy said groggily. "Um hum."

It always amazes me on how they can all fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Paddy and his children were in sync. The rest of his family were off by a day.

They used to be in sync but over the years. Paddy's sleep cycle shifts slightly every year. Our children were keeping in sync with him.

Paddy rolled on top of me. We kissed. "This is the best part of waking up."

"Oh?" I smiled. "Kissing right away." I giggled.

"This is my favourite part." I processed to show him.

We went down to bathe before breakfast.

When we walked into the kitchen Shaun, Colleen and Melissa were sitting at the table. Their sleep cycle will be starting soon. I will have Melissa while they slept.

"Sleep well?" Colleen asked her son.

"Always." Paddy smiled. Colleen went quiet. She is usually very talkative. She was in deep thought.

"Breakfast is ready." Cassie and Quinn put breakfast on the table then sat down themselves. I served the tea. Colleen stopped eating and stared at me. Paddy noticed.

"Mom are you all right?" She nodded and went back to her food.

"Your mother is slightly confused." Shaun said.

"Oh what are you confused about?" Paddy asked around a mouthful of food.

"I am curious as to why only Kylie can touch the cages?"

"I think it is only vampires that are able to touch the cages. Remember it was only vampires that went to rescue them. We were all able to hold the cages." I told her.

"That is true." Colleen turned to Shaun. "So anyone can let your parents out."

"I think I gave them the impression that Kylie was the only one who could." Shaun said with a huge grin. "I made sure the Guards had to have my permission first."

"Well you know that none of the werewolves can touch the cages. Vincent's hand was numb for a long time." I said.

"What about Julian he could not touch them either." Colleen said. "It could be because he has absorbed some werewolf traits from Serina."

There was a light knock at the door. I went to answer it.

"Good day Madam Bjorn. Please come in." I bowed to the Elder.

"Please Kylie call me Fredya." She smiled sincerely.

"Thank you Fredya."

"Is Shaun here?"

"Yes he is in the kitchen eating breakfast. Would you like something?"

"Um...I will let you know after I have spoken to Shaun."

"All right." I showed her to the kitchen. Everyone stood up and bowed to her.

"Thank you all of you. Please finish your meal." They sat back down.

"You wanted to speak to me Fredya?"

"Yes Shaun." Then she waited.

"Father you can use my room." Paddy told him.

"Thank you Son." Shaun went to Fredya and showed her to Paddy's private room. The rest ate slowly waiting for Shaun to come back.

We heard the main door close. Shaun walked back into the kitchen. He sat at the table and finished his breakfast. He did not look very happy.

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