Untitled Part 89

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The next day most of the shifters left for their homes. The Council bid them farewell.

Elder Camarillo was standing beside Councilman Klaus. The Elder was looking at something above him.

"Klaus why is there a man in a cage up there?"

"He is being punished. His sentence is done in a few weeks. He is going to be awfully thirsty."

"How long has he been up there?"

"Two years."

"On my authority you can use the prisoners to feed him."

"When do you plan to leave Camarillo?"

"Oh not for a few weeks yet. I would very much like to speak with Mistress Katey a bit more. She is very busy."

"Then before you leave we will feed him." Councilman Klaus pointed to the ceiling.

"Yes it might be better if I am here."

They were quiet except when they said goodbye to someone.

Paddy and I escorted many out of the city. They always wished us well.

After the last of the Shifters left Paddy took my hand.

"You need to feed?" I nodded.

"Come on. I am in the mood for seal." We ran to Scotland's northern coast. We fed then we watched the sunset. It was beautiful.

We returned in time to say good bye to Mikalia and Samuel. He was bringing her home.

"I will be back soon, Paddy."

"See you then Samuel."

Mikalia gave Paddy and I hug.

"I am happy they will be punished Kylie. Paddy. No one should harm the unborn."

We could not say anything. She was right.

We hugged her again then she left with Samuel and Cassie.

Everyone had a hand in cleaning up the common area. It was not messy. We just needed to put everything back into its place.

The next week we brought Michael John down from the ceiling. We kept him in his cage. Elder Camarillo directed the Guard to the prisoners' cell.

"Put him in there." The Guards looked at Councilman Klaus. "Do as he asks." They nodded.

"Elder Camarillo why are you putting this caged man in here with us?" Crispin asked. "Because I want you to unlock his cage for me." He looked at the cage then the Elder.

"I can do that." Crispin walked over to the cage. "It is locked."

"Here is the key." Elder Camarillo held out the key for him. Caleb took it and handed it to Crispin. He unlocked the cage.

Michael John moved slowly out of the cage. Once he stood up he removed the spike from his body. He threw it down on the ground.

Elder Camarillo backed away from the door. We all walked away from the cell.

That is when they started to scream.

Michael John quenched his thirst over and over again.

A little while later the Guard that was on duty at the cell reported to Paddy.

"Michael John does not understand why the three humans are not satisfying his thirst?" Barry told him.

"May I Paddy?" Elder Camarillo asked.

"Of course Elder Camarillo."

"It is a little trick I learned from an old friend. I had Mistress Katey feed them a special diet of grains for the last few weeks. It will not sustain a vampire very long. It is a special punishment from me for making us look spiteful." We nodded. Barry smiled.

"It will not kill them but they will suffer. Your vampire will eventually become tired of feeding off of them." Elder Camarillo smiled with satisfaction.

"I also know you two would not ask for any additionally punishment. I understand two of them being your grandparents Paddy but it had to be done."

"I understand Elder Camarillo." Paddy smiled.

"Good." The Clan Elder said.

The next day we said good bye to Elder Camarillo, Theo and Shannon.

The Council called a meeting for the next day at noon.


Councilman Klaus stood in front of us.

"My friends, we have found a solution to our space problem. We are going to move across the Atlantic Ocean. We will be going to the shipyard and have a boat built for us. While it is being built we are going to go through the storerooms and decide what we will be taking with us."

"Our goal is to go to the Southern region where most of the Shifters live and go from there."

"Now it is up to you if you wish to come with us or stay here in London?"

"The choice is yours."

"You know you will be always welcomed."

"I will keep you up to date with our plans."

"Oh the size of the boat is to be determined at the shipyard and the length of time it takes to be built will be the deadline."

"Thank you for your time."

He bowed. They went into their chambers. During the next few days we saw Councilman Klaus' boat Captain visit many times.

After a month he called another meeting.

"Just to let you know the progress we are making on the ship." He smiled. "Yes I said ship. It will take a year and half to build. We have plenty of time to organize everything."

"Thank you." He nodded then left for his quarters.

That night at our evening meal. No one ate. We just stared at our food.

Everyone was thinking the same thing.


Do I stay or go?

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