Untitled Part 75

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Mikalia walked me out to her private garden. She looked so worried.

"Mikalia, what is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong with me Kylie. I am worried about you. I can feel the echoes of your babies and how they died. Are you all right?" She held me by my shoulders.

"I...I..." I just shook my head. She held me as I cried for my lost babies.

After I was able to stop crying.

"What happened?" She said softly.

I told her about Caleb. She started cursing in Spanish. All I caught was, "How could someone destroy something so precious?"

It took her a long time to calm down.

"Who is going to punish this despicable man?" She looked like she was ready to do it. "The Clan Elders."

"Who?" She was confused. She looked up at the windows where the Council was. I shook my head. "Not them. Caleb is a shapeshifter. He is the shaman for Shaun's clan." She nodded.

"Where are these Elders?"

"They are at the cavern. They will have a gathering there during the Summer Solstice."

"Kylie why would he do this to you?"

"I am not sure but it might have to do with me having Cassie and Quinn in his Sacred Pond." She looked confused again. "It is a special place they birth their children."

"I see. He did not like having a vampire in his Sacred Pond."


"When you return to London. I would like to come with you. I would like to meet this 'Baby Killer'."

"Mikalia there is no need."

"Yes there is. A man like that needs to know what he has done." She sat quietly for a moment. She looked at me. "There is something else, is there not Kylie?" I nodded. "He tried to harm me a few weeks ago."

"But you are not with child. Why would he ..." She had a strange look on her face. "You said he is the shaman for Shaun's clan. Who are Shaun's parents?"

"They are the Elders of their clan, so are Colleen's parents."

"And they are all at the cavern?" I nodded. "Do you know how they feel about you being a vampire?"

"Shaun's parents looked down at me but Colleen's parents embrace me and welcomed me with open arms."

"Elders and the Shaman. They do not like you much do they?"

"No. The Clan Elders are watching them closely."

"Good, I am glad someone is there for you."

"Paddy and my family are there for me too."

"Yes they are Kylie but they have lost something precious too. They are hurting also." I do not think she was talking about the babies.

"I know." She hugged me again.

"Come. I will show you where there is plenty of deer to feed on."

"Thank you Mikalia."

She took my hand and we ran through the garden over a ridge then down into a valley. We stopped just outside a small grove. I could smell the deer. She was right. There was plenty of deer.

I fed to overfill then I laid under the moonlight. Mikalia was sitting under a tree watching me. "Kylie are you all right?"

"Yes I am now. Thank you Mikalia. I feel so much better."

"I am glad Kylie but your skin."

"Oh. This is normal for me. Athos tells me it is because of the werewolf venom."

"I forgot you were bitten by a werewolf before you were transformed."

She watched the light show. "It is very beautiful to watch Kylie."

"It is hard for me to see the whole thing."

"One day you will see how beautiful it is."

"Are you ready to go back?"

"Yes Mikalia I am."

We ran back to her home. Paddy was waiting by the patio doors. He smiled when he saw us. "Your man is happy. You have returned."

"I think so." I gave her a hug. "Thank you again."

"Anytime Kylie."

She walked to her kitchen. I walked to Paddy.

"You are back."

I kissed him very passionately.

He pressed me against the outside wall. Our kissing was turning into something more. "Come with me."

We went to the large barn at the back of Wilbert's home. We stayed until daylight.

During the day the Council relaxed by the bathing pool. That night Wilbert had a ball for all the newly registered werewolves and mixed bloods.

It was quite lively. The Guards danced to a few dances during the night but we mainly stayed on the sides watching.

At the end Councilman Klaus spoke for the Council.

"Good evening, my new members. Your mentors that brought you here have completed their assignments. It is now your turn. You all have to bring a werewolf or a mixed blood in to be registered."

He noticed some of them pointing to each other.

"You can only be registered once. You must find someone that has not been registered yet." There were a lot of shocked faces.

"How long to we have Sir?" Councilman Klaus laughed.

"You have until the next gathering."

"When is that?" Someone from the back called out.

"You have ninety-eight years. Wilbert will inform you." The sigh of relief was very funny. Their mentors were laughing too.

"Thank you Wilbert and Mikalia for inviting us to your home. It was a very good idea."

"Good night to you all."

They retired to their rooms.

We left the next evening with Mikalia, Samuel and Annabelle.

We were greeted quite warmly by the Elders. Councilman Antonio was visibly relieved that the rest of the Council was back safely.

"I am so glad you are back. I was beginning to feel abandoned." Councilman Antonio told the rest of the Council.

"Antonio, my friend, it is the first time you have been alone in over a thousand years." Councilman Mario told him. "Was it not relaxing?"

Councilman Antonio laughed. "It was for the first week then a violent storm hit London. It lasted for a day and half. I was almost positive that you had perished in it."

"Antonio. We were already at Wilbert's home when that storm blew by. We were quite safe." Councilman Klaus reassured him.

"Oh thank the gods."

"Come we have a lot of paper work to do."

"A lot of new members Klaus?"

"Yes a hundred and more to come."

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