Untitled Part 76

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 They all looked at the training square and shook their heads.

"We are going to have to find a new place for the next gathering if our membership increases too much?"

"Yes there is hope Antonio. Wilbert has heard that a young explorer had found new land to the Orient."

"Excellent Klaus."

They entered their chamber to do their paperwork.

"It is good to see you." Shaun said hugging me.

"Thank you Shaun." He looked at the rest of the family. "You all look better. The time away helped." We nodded. "Good. Colleen and Lizzy have been busy cooking."

"Mikalia, Samuel, Annabelle. It is good to see you."

"Hello Sir." Samuel shook his hand.

"Good day to you Senor." Mikalia kissed both his cheeks.

"Allo Senor Shaun." Annabelle said in almost a whisper.

"Do not be shy Annabelle. I hope we do not frighten you?" She shook her head. "Good." Shaun said warmly

Cory took her hand and kissed it.

We dropped off our bags at our quarters then we went to Colleen's quarters.

As we were sitting in their kitchen: the smell of food, the inviting warmth from our family. It was nice to be home.

"Shifters have already started arriving. We put them in some of the boarding houses." Shaun told us.

"That is great Dad. Sending the message out worked."

"Yes to our delight." Liam said smiling. "Paddy, you will be happy to know all our shamans have arrived."

"Good because I still want to talk to them."

"All right. Enough talking. Let us eat." Lizzy was grinning.

I sat with Mikalia and Annabelle. Samuel was sitting with Cassie talking quietly.

Mikalia smile proudly at them.

Lizzy served some chilled blood to the vampires. I did not touch it. It was human. I waited until Lizzy had her back to me and I switched with Mikalia's empty glass. Mikalia nodded that she understood.

Paddy finished eating. He came and knelt in front of me. "Are you ready for a warm meal?" I nodded.

"Do you mind if Annabelle and I join you?" Mikalia asked.

"Not at all. Please come."

We left through one of the boarding houses exits. I could smell the five shifters that were in the house.

It was after midnight. We had no problem running to the nearby woods.

I could hear Mikalia and Annabelle talking behind us in Spanish. Paddy winked at me. He knew what they were saying. He signed 'Later.' I nodded.

We found a small herd of deer. I walked up to one and drank a little. I moved out of the way so Mikalia could try it. She drank greedily.

"That was very good Kylie."

I walked over to another one and did the same for Annabelle.

"Si Mama. It is very good."

"Do you need more?" They shook their heads.

We carried the deer back to the cavern. The meat will not go to waste with the amount of people we have at the moment.

Katey was very happy for the deer.

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