Untitled Part 33

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After sunset we were on the beach with the Council. They were having their private meeting with the vampires, who were having a hard time accepting the werewolves.

"I understand it is not an easy thing to accept. When most of your vampire life you were taught to fear them." Councilman Cleo was speaking to a small group of fifty vampires.

"Councilwoman Cleo are you sure you can trust them?"

"Yes Sophia. They have become our friends. Many of them now have mates with children. This is their home just as much as it is ours. They protect it furiously. We have never had to question them or disciplined them in anyway. Vincent keeps them all in line. Even the ones that are not part of his pack."

"It is something in their transformation that allows the oldest of their kind to be in charge. When Vincent is on patrol. They follow the chain of command. They go directly to Vincent then Paddy, Shaun, Council. It will not be too long before Cory is ready to be part of the command."

"This is what had concerned me Councilwoman Cleo. Thank you for explaining it."

"You are welcome Sophia." She looked at the rest of the group. "Is there any other concerns?" One approached her. "Yes Marquis?"

"Madam Councilwoman are you not afraid if they attack you? One bite from them would kill you."

"Yes Marquis but trust is a two way thing. Yes they can kill us with just a bite but we are able to defend ourselves against them should we have to."

"All right. I will trust your judgment on this but if any of them harm any of you. We will hunt them down and destroy them." The Councilwoman smiled. "That is very admirable of you, Marquis. Thank you." She looked at the small group.

"Any other concerns?" They all shook their heads.

"I guess we have addressed your concerns?"

"Yes." They said together.

"Good. Let us join the celebrations. For tomorrow we make new laws."

The next day we added the laws that concerns the werewolves like: the werewolf part of the Guard is to be respected like the vampire part. You do not comply the Rileys will come to see you.

Everyone understood this.

Vincent was pleased now he and his pack could go with the other Guardsmen when enforcing the law.

All the werewolves had been spending much of their free time reading the law books. They wanted to be ready for after the gathering.

One thing that Vincent wanted to do was to register the werewolves. All the ones at the gathering were registered which pleased Wilbert greatly.

Samuel asked to speak to the council.

"Yes Samuel. What would you like?"

"Well Councilman Carlos. You now have the werewolf registry along with the vampire one. What about the children from the union. For example: I am a mixed blood of a vampire and werewolf. Which registry do I go under?"

"That is a very good question Samuel?" Councilman Carlos said. He began to pace along the platform. He stopped and looked at the audience.

"With a show of hands. Which would be better, adding the mixed bloods to both registries or making a separate one for mixed bloods?" No one had raised their hands. "All right I will let you all think about it."

We could hear everyone whispering what would be better. It started to go quiet.

"All right let us vote. For adding them to the registries." Only a few hands went up.

The Guard- Elders-Part 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora