Untitled Part 84

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The Registering of all the shifters took days. Many of the Clans had not had their gatherings yet. Most had them every five hundred years. There were a lot of names to be added to the List.

Shannon told us the Elder Camarillo has appointed a Magistrate for her parents and Caleb. The trial will begin after the mixed blood vote. He does not want to wear out their welcome with Vampire Council.

Councilman Antonio and Carlos were enjoying the different clan traditions. Many of the clans respected vampires as equals because we all live so long.

Lizzy was attending a small gathering of female Clan Elders. They were discussing their mating cycles. How after two thousand years it starts to diminish.

"I think being two thousand five hundred years old is too old to be bearing children. As much as I enjoy the experience." One of the Asian Elders was saying.

Colleen was sitting with them having tea.

"How does it diminish Elder Ming?" She asked.

"Well for one it does not come every century. It fools you. It comes every century and a half. My mate was just as confused." She laughed. "I must say though my last two cycles had produced shifters."

She shrugged her shoulders.

Gen came in and joined the group.

"Is this your grand daughter, Lizzy?"

"Yes Ming. Her and her brother Cory are twins."

"Twins how special. I have only had twin mortals. Twin shifters. That is rare."

"So I have heard." Colleen said. She smiled at Gen. "You have four children right now Colleen?"

"Yes Elder Ming. Three shifters and one mortal."

"Who is the eldest?"

"Paddy. Kylie," she pointed to me, "is his wife. They have two children a boy and girl."

"Are they vampires?" Elder Ming asked.

"Both. Vampire and shifters." Colleen said proudly.

"Silly me. I have seen them. They have two tone hair."

"Yes that is them."

"You have been together along time to have two children, Kylie?"

"No Elder Ming only sixty years."

The Elder looked very confused. "How is that possible? Did he have two mating cycles?" The room was buzzing.

"No. Our daughter was conceived before his mating cycle."

"Now that is even rarer than twin shifters."

The room buzzed again.

"Have you had other children by him Kylie?"

"Elder Ming. The circumstances of Kylie's last pregnancy will come under full review during the trial that is to take place in the next few days."

"You are the one." Elder Ming came over to me and gave me a hug. "I have heard only rumours of what happened. We will all be attending this trial." She pointed to the rest of the room. "Rest assure you will not to be alone."

"Thank you Elder Ming."

She turned back to the other women.

"I have heard that Mistress Katey has some sweets waiting for us in her kitchen."

I was joined by ten more of the Guard to escort the Ladies to Katey's kitchen.

Katey had out done herself. She had tables and tables of sweets, cakes, cookies and candies on display.

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