Chapter 58

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SM response to the rumor wasn't enough to calm the fans and everyone at all. Instead, they had to extinguish the fire as much as possible even if it's just to temporarily lower the fire. SM entertainment is one of the biggest industry when it comes Kpop music so having a scandal would be headlined all over the country. Media outlets wouldn't let them breath even for a second making it very difficult not just for the CEO but alos the employees working under it. But that didn't mean any parties would be hurt by this.

Winter wasn't gonna accept it because her heart only belonged to you and only you yet, her company was creating a play to divert their attention somewhere else knowing Aespa was special to them and was making them more known. So something like this wasn't what they ideally wanted because first and foremost, You were just a regular person. This could lead to something that fans will find unacceptable considering the difference of status and SM was aware of that. Companies know how fans adore Idols as if they were gods thats why they maintain a clean image under them.

Hiding and burning anything under the table erasing traces of possible backlash. But they sometimes forget the importance of things like how one sided is affected or two of them are affected. In this case, Both you and Winter were suffering from this. The feeling of your heart shattering into pieces seeing her with someone else just broke your heart.

The saddest part is how Karina told you that you are banned from seeing her again. To you that was a direct bullet shot straight to your heart. Something that you probably won't recover in a while, but seeing Winter hold hands with another man was the death blow. The sight and feedback from netizens seeing them were all postive saying how perfect they are for each other and complimented each other. To many, this was a good thing because no one was against it yet you weren't. Every postive comment from them made you insecure of yourself.

Doubts and constant self hatred climbed unto your mind and all you could do was cry softly, alone, in your silent apartment. There was no reason for you to call the group as you were ban. Though Karina asked you to contact her, you didn't. You didn't want your heart to break anymore.

With how you were banned from seeing her, with how Winter's relationship with her supposed boyfriend, to the postive reaction of people from them, it was preety obvious that they supported him than you. You recalled the events that happened in that idol park and how they look at you indifferently all came back to you making you chuckle softly as tears fell from your eyes, slowly gliding their way down your cheeks.

It was so obvious from the start. Why did you choose to ignore it? Did your really think that having a relation with an Idol would work? You were slapped in the face with reality with this events. Regret was what you were feeling and a little a anger. Questions appeared on your head constantly leaving you mentally exhausted.

"What does he have that I don't?"

"What do I need to do for people to accept me?"

"Why? Why did this have to happen to me?"

"Why.... Why did I fell in love with an Idol."

That last question was what hit your hard. It was the reality of things and you couldn't ignore it any longer as it finally caught up to you. There was no longer any reason for you to dodge it even block it anymore as one way or another, the reality of things will bite you back. Though, you thought you were ready but reality was a fucking asshole. He didn't just came at you with a slap, oh no, he came in with a tsunami of emotions that you didn't expect to feel in your entire life as you were still trying your best to get out of it. But it felt as if the top of that ocean was going away from you.

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