My best friend and I

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My best friend and I

My name is Nick, I’m 30 currently but what I’m going to tell you about happened while I was going into senior year of high school.

I turned 18 the first week of senior year. School always started either on my birthday or right around it. I was a bigger guy 6 ft 1 around 240lbs but held my own. I was in weight lifting classes and on the football team though I completely hated it. I wasn’t very competitive or into contact sports much but between the coach of the football team constantly asking me to join and encouragement from my parents I went after it and somehow got onto the team. Looking at my teammates was the best thing about being on the team. The only thing I looked forward to.

I grew up in a small midwestern town. The type of town that pretty much everyone knows everyone and knows everyone’s business. I hated everything about the town I lived in. Overly religious, very small minded, never wanting to change, homophobia and racist assholes was what I grew up with. I knew I was gay from a young age but was too afraid to truly be myself like many of us unfortunately know all too well.

Going into senior year I figured it would be just another miserable year of high school, but thankfully it was my last. Sure I had a couple of good guy friends that made things better, but wasn’t ever truly close with anyone but Tucker. (His story for another time).

Matt moved to our small town right after the school year started. We had home room together and he sat directly next to me. We immediately hit it off. Matt was your stereotypical country boy. A hunter, into four wheeling, outdoorsy woodsman type. I was attracted to him as soon as I saw him. He was roughly 6 foot, muscular, sun kissed tan skin, the most gorgeous green eyes and short brunette hair. We had a few common interest in TV shows, sports, and music. After a few months of constantly hanging out at school, having the same lunch hour along with several classes together we made plans for the weekend. Matt’s parents would be out of town, but his older sister was going to be home from college that weekend. Now Matt’s parents were extremely religious and wanted to talk to both myself and my parents before having me over. (Matt later told me they assumed I was into drugs because over the summer I got my first tattoo and to them tattoos were a major sin and only druggies had them.)

After school on a Friday I follow Matt home. His parents gave him their old car for his 18th birthday so he wanted to drive everywhere. I packed an extra backpack full of some clothes, my Xbox 360, several games and controllers. That afternoon we kinda hung around his place.

The fun started when Matt asked if I wanted to go for a walk. We start walking through this corn field that led into the woods. We stopped in the corn field and Matt pointed out this camouflaged hunting shack at the edge of the trees. I have always had terrible eyes, and told Matt I couldn’t see it. Matt stood behind me so closely I could feel his breath. The hairs on the my arms and neck stood up. I had this overwhelming feeling of being comforted, and the most turned on I had ever been. He grabbed my arm and placed his on top grabbing my hand and making my pointer finger point towards the shack. With his left hand he moved my head towards the shack, then placed his arm around my chest as to guide my body towards the shack. I never wanted this feeling to end. I was so hard and I swear I could feel Matt’s cock throbbing in his pants.

After pointing out the shack we walked a bit more. I kept replaying the scenario over and over in my head thinking I should have made a move but was too chicken shit to do so. We walked back to Matt’s home, went into his bedroom and looked at his dvd collection to pick out a couple of movies to watch that evening. I remember seeing that Matt had this little pink container full of slimy putty that when you’d put your fingers into it, it would make a fart noise. I said to Matt what if someone tried to use this shit as a condom, joking around. Next thing I know, Matt walks over to me, grabs the slime and starts to undo his belt, he unzips his zipper and pulls his pants down. Now being the dumbass I was I walked out of the room. Matt is laughing and calls me back in. I walk into his room and I see the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen in my life. Matt was as hard as a rock and my mouth was watering for it. I’d guess he was around 6.5 to 7 inches. Matt’s cock was thick, veiny, cut and he had natural pubic hair that wasn’t overwhelming bushy but unbelievably sexy. The slime was stuck in his pubes, and he was fighting with the slime to get it out as it kept pulling out hair. He was laughing hysterically looking at me and then back at his cock as my jaw was probably to the floor in amazement and awe. I stood there for what felt like forever before he got all the slime out and put his dick away.

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