High School Band Trip to New York: (Part 1~4)

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High School Band Trip to New York: Part 1 (2006)

When I was in high school, our music program was one of the best in the state. It helped that it was well-funded with fundraisers and donations from a overly enthusiastic group of parents. Every year, all of the band classes (there were 3 skill-based tiers and then jazz band on the side), would partake in a lengthy band trip either close to, or during spring break. We went to Canada, Texas, California, and now in my senior year, we would go to New York City.

I was in the 3rd tier (highest) and was in percussion. The boy who had become my main squeeze in secret was Alan, who was also a senior. Both of us being 18, we looked forward to what would happen on this trip. Everyone would get a roommate in the hotel, some would get unlucky and room with a parent or school chaperone. Not many knew that Alan and I hung out at all. We were in two completely different friend groups and social cliques. I was a jock, playing in football and baseball. He  was an emo kid who was also on the swim team. For reasons that are completely superficial and dumb looking back, swim team athletes weren't seen as jocks.

While it would have been nice to hang out with Alan more in public, this was better for our well being. Both of us came from poor families. Both our families were religious, but my parents were more mentally abusive about it, his were more physically abusive. We found solace and peace when we were with each other. Up until this trip, Alan and I would usually meet at his house, since both his parents worked night shifts, and mess around with each other. We had done a little bit of everything. But with this upcoming trip, we would get some real privacy and could really let loose.

Our band instructor gave us all directions for how to submit for roommate assignments. Alan and I submitted for each other, but gave no alternates, which our instructor probably didn't like as he was quite specific and repetitive about. Later that week, our bids were a success. Alan and I would be roommates together for a week. When the listings were released, I over heard some of Alan's other trumpet friends wondering why he would be rooming with me, a percussionist. Some other words were said, that were kind of hurtful about my IQ or something. Which was weird, because I was in just as many, if not more AP classes than all of his friends. But whatever, high school students are gonna behave like high school students, especially boys in the brass section (those who were in band, will understand this reference).

A few more weeks went by, and the trip was upon us. Alan and I had been texting back and forth all of that time, and had agreed to not have sex until the trip. It was one of those silly high school ideas, to recreate your virginity or something, since each of us had already had our cherries popped by the time we started hooking up. And we both had promised to bring something to add to the fun in the bedroom. The nerves of excitement were in full swing, as simply getting on the coach bus started to give me a boner I had to hide. I was still a bit sad I wouldn't be sitting with Alan, but again, we were keeping up appearances. I did slide him a quick wink when our eyes met on the bus as he got on, but other than that, we only spoke over texting while on the long bus ride to New York. One such conversation over text went like this:

**Alan:** "OMG David won't shutup. He's been talking the whole time, even when I tried to nap."

**Me:** "lol, sorry. Well Jason has been trying to get me to play his pokemon game and trying to explain it to me."

**Alan:** "I wish I had a DS. I'm so hyped for Diamond and Pearl this year though!"

**Me:** "..."

**Alan:** "don't ellipses me, bitch."

**Me:** "sorry lol. I just don't understand the craze. The battling seems super simple. Just a game of fetch-questing and who has higher level or more pokemon."

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