Met an older guy at the Pizza Joint (Part 1~3)

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Met an older guy at the Pizza Joint

After dropping my friend off at the airport, I was headed home. I decided to stop in to the local pizza place about 5 minutes from my house. I walked in and sat at the last stool of their small bar. I was greeted by the bartender and placed my pizza order to go. I ordered a beer to have while I waited and was watching the basketball game when a man set a book down at the spot next to mine at the bar.
Of Mice and amen by John Steinbeck, one of my favorite books. I love to read.

I look up at the slender, clean shaven older man with glasses. He smiles at me and asks, “is anyone sitting here?” I smile back and shook my head no, and say, “no, go ahead take a seat.”

He took off his beanie winter hat and revealed silver shirt hair. I quickly glanced at his hands as he took his glove off and noticed he didn’t have a ring on. He took his jacket off and was wearing a semi business sweater, dress slacks look. It is a little tight at this small bar, so he had to squeeze between the stools to sit down. It was the only stool open at the bar. He turned and slid in sideways, his crotch and I think his manhood rub ever so much against the outside of my right hip and thigh. He said, “pardon me.” He put his hand on my shoulder and I got a decent scent of his cologne. It was brute or something like that. Very classic older man cologne.

I focus on my beer because I didn’t want to bother him while he was reading his book. The bartender asked him if he wanted a drink and he looked at the menu behind the bartender and then I turned and we made eye contact. “What are you drinking?”
“Fairy nectar, it’s a local IPA.”
“I’ll have a pint of that please”, he says to the bartender. After she brings him his glass he picks up his beer and turns to me and says, “cheers!”
We clink of glasses and take a sip of our drinks.
“I’m Charlie, what’s your name?” I ask him.
“Hello Charlie, I’m George, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you as well.”

He opens his book back up and continues to read because of how abruptly he switched back to his book. I pretended to watch basketball game again but kept looking to the right and watching George read. He was mouthing the words and the way his tongue and lips would move was erotic for some odd reason. After about five minutes. I am as hard as a rock. I drink my beer and try to relax. I ask for a second one because my pizza is taking so long.

“Sorry Charlie, I had to finish that chapter. Have you ever read this book, Of Mice or Men by Steinbeck?”
“Actually yeah. I read in in high for a class and again in college after reading The Grapes of Wrath.”
“Oh! Another classic. I like your style Charlie. You probably have good taste. The beer is great, you read and enjoy American Classics. Tell me something, what’s good here?”
“The pizza. I actually ordered mine to go but I can share a slice or two. I ordered a large for leftovers.”
“Oh god no, I’ll order my own.”
“No it’s cool, just buy my next beer and we’ll call it good.”

My pizza came a little bit later. We talked about books we liked and hates. Places we’ve traveled and such. Personal but not flirting or insinuating of any kind. We enjoyed another two beers as the restaurant cleaned out. It was just us at the bar, no one around. George turned toward me in his stool and said, “So son, tell me about the girls in your life. are you single or seeing anyone,” he laughed. I sighed and said, “no I’m single.” I smiled and looked down at his cock and back to his face. “And you? Is there a Mrs. George?”
“There was. We divorced a few years back. Wanted different things.”
I put my hand on his thigh and said “I’m sorry to hear that.”
He put his hand on mine and rubbed it a bit and said “thanks.”

It was closing time and George paid for all my food and drinks.
“You didn’t need to do that. Please. I appreciate it but honestly can pay for myself.”
“No. Charlie, I brought a damn book to a bar. You had no reason to talk with me and be kind. It was the least I could do.”
“Well, I owe you dinner then another time.”
“You’re on.”

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