28 & 27] My time with a straight Muslim (Part 1~5)

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[28 & 27] My time with a straight Muslim Part 1

After Jack, I started a new career. I had grown close to the other newbies that had started at the company including Abdullah. He was fresh from Pakistan having a gap year to explore things before his arranged marriage. He was average build and a little shorter than me but cute, very well dressed and smoked a lot. We would go to the bar often with each other as he needed a hand to figure out what to get for a new drinker.

A year past and we were hanging out at his place more often. We would watch a movie and fall asleep in the same bed. I caught him once or twice holding me, he told me it was because he shared a bed with his brother and must've had muscle memory.

Things escalated one night after I had gotten a promotion. I had been invited out by my new team so told Abdullah I would be late to his house. He told me that was fine. I met my new team at the pub and tried to rush introductions and one drink so i could go to Abdullahs place.

I said goodbye as I had stayed for an hour and quickly got on the bus to his place. It was a 10 minute walk from the bus station but finally got there. He seemed a bit distant when he opened the door but we walked to his room.

We sat on his bed and lit a cigarette, he had bought me dinner which had gone cold so I apologised to him. I also wanted to tell him about my new job as he was my best friend. He stopped me halfway through.

"I don't want this to be a big thing but as your friend, you're acting a bit like a dick. You're throwing this promotion in my face a lot. I'm happy for you, but you've changed."

"I'm sorry, but that's incredibly upsetting. I am only talking about it now because I'm excited to meet new people. You got a promotion and spoke about it for two weeks, since I've been in the new role I've been asking you for help so you can still feel big because I'm proud of you", I replied. It was our first fight and over something dumb.

"I don't know if our friendship can continue with this", I was upset because I was doing what I love finally.

I stood up from the bed and grabbed my stuff.

"Please don't leave", he genuinely teared up. I hadn't seen him like that before.

"I'm sorry". I walked out and headed to the bus station.

It was very late, there were no buses and I couldn't afford an Uber that night. I sat at the bus station considering if I walk the 15km, or forgive him. I sucked down another cigarette and calmed down to head back.

I didn't knock, I walked into the house and into his bedroom. He was crying, I quickly hugged him and explained it was a pretty awful thing to say. He passed me a scotch, he had drunk two while I was gone. He laid down with his head sitting up after taking off his pants, I sculled the scotch and laid on his lap after removing mine and stuck the glass in the air for another. He poured it and put on some dumb movie and we laid there for a bit.

He lit a cigarette and drew it in long before making smoke rings. He passed the cigarette to me and I drew it in long too. I was starting to get tipsy.

I have a bad habit of touching skin when I'm tipsy. I passed the cigarette to him and started rubbing my hand just below his stomach as I blew the smoke out. Then he did something I wasn't expecting. He lifted the rim of his boxer shorts up as he smoked his cigarette.

I read this to mean, touch it. He knew I was gay, but he followed Muslim principles to a T (except alcohol but he was planning on quitting before going back, it was his one cheat he wanted to experience before going devout). I reached in and he was rock hard. I felt around in his boxershorts; smooth all over, 5 inches, cut, nice size and shape. But I noticed it was wet.

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