Hookup with former classmate

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I guess to start. I got around a lot in college. It is the ideal time for hooking up with other closeted guys. For a while, it was the best way for me to get off. There is something uniquely hot about sleeping with a closeted guy as a closeted guy myself. The mystery of whether the other guy is interested or not. I was never wrong when I had the intuition that a guy was interested in hooking up. Maybe they were too bold so it was obvious. Maybe I'm just really good at reading people. I can't say for certain.

I never hooked up with anyone while I was in high school. I was far too closeted then to risk it then. When I graduated from college, I moved back to my hometown for a few years and spent my days working a 9-5 and partying on the weekends. I was enjoying my life with friends. Sex wasn't on my mind much then. This all changed when I received a message from a former high school classmate, Chayton

Chayton went to high school with me. We never talked much, but he was generally nice to me though a bit hard to read. To put it simply, Chayton is an attractive man. He is the kind of hot that feels wrong, like the universe put way too much effort into one person to make them look as visually appealing as possible. His jawline is pronounced with a strong chin, all coated in a nice reddish-blond stubble. His nose is prominent and masculine and he has pretty full lips that frame a nice set of teeth, crooked in a way that is extremely charming. He's tall and muscular with a deep voice and dark, brooding eyes set in a heavy brow. Everything about him screams 'man.' His biggest appeal to me in my teenage years was that he already looked like a fully grown man at just 16. Now that he was 22, he looked even better, even more rugged, mature and handsome.

In high school, girls really couldn't leave him alone. He always had a girlfriend or a girl he was talking to that I can recall. Though he was quiet most of the time, I think his overall attractive appearance made him charming nonetheless. He was on the football team and almost exclusively friends with those guys.

Fast forward to when we're both 22. We had been friends on Facebook since high school, which wasn't unusual. We hadn't sent one another a single message in the years since we both graduated together until the moment I received a 'thumbs up' emoji on Messenger. I do this all the time on accident, so I dismissed it. Then, like two months later, I received another one. It was late at night again, so I woke up in the morning to the message. At this point, I'm growing curious. The vibe is there. I got the feeling that he was trying to initiate something, so I played along, curious and interested.

This happened a few more times. I told myself I wasn't going to message him unless it was shortly after receiving one from him. I didn't want to play a game of tag through Messenger. Finally, after like 4 attempts from him, he catches me on a night when I am awake. Mind you, around 6 months elapsed since the first message. I was curious to see where things would go, so I messaged him back.

To be honest, the messages weren't interesting at first. It was a lot of "hey" and "how are you" and responses back and forth for a bit. It was very casual conversation until he asked me if I had Snapchat, to which I responded with 'yes'.

At this point, my heart was pounding in my chest. I knew he was gearing up for something, but I wasn't sure what he wanted. I added him on Snapchat and waited several minutes in silence for him to add me back. His messages were overall very sporadic, a detail that becomes significant later in my story.

Finally, he added me back. For whatever reason, we continued with the small talk like we did before. He asked me how I was doing, what I was doing at that moment, etc. I responded and asked him in return. Then, he asked me if I was alone (which I was). When I told him I was alone, he then told me that he wanted to "try something." He wouldn't come out and say what, so I tried asking for more detail. He told me he wanted to send pictures. I really didn't want to be the guy who sends an unsolicited nude, so I asked him what kind of pictures he wanted to see. He just told me "anything."

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