The Groom's Straight Brother (Part 1~2)

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I’m 30, bi but mostly into women, just mess around with guys here and there when the opportunity arises. Not attracted to men romantically but a good BJ is a good Bj..

This all happened at a destination wedding I just returned from. There were about 50 of us in the entire group including family of the bride and groom and friends. Most of us arrived on a Tuesday into a city that’s relatively small but really beautiful.

Accommodations were basically on your own for the first several nights since it’s a very small walkable town, so I booked an Airbnb with four good friends of mine (the groom’s brother and his wife) and two other friends, so 5 of us total in the Airbnb.

We found a great deal on this amazing house, it had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, overlooked the city (though it was a bit of a hike up the hill to get home) and even had a private pool.

The two non-married friends, we’ll call them Cody and Marissa, are really good friends so they shared a room, and then of course Andy and Jen (the married couple) shared a room, leaving me to my own room.

We all arrived in the afternoon, a bit tired from the travel day but ready to start vacation mode. None of us in the house were heavy drinkers but decided to have some edibles to get the day going. Nothing eventful happened this day, so I’ll skip to the next day.

Wednesday was a day full of activities for those who wanted to partake. Cody and Mar decided to go with the group to do a tour of some sort and would be gone all day, but me, Andy and Jen decided we wanted to just relax and enjoy the Airbnb, maybe walk around town.

Andy is about 5 years older than me give or take, and we’ve been decent friends for a while. I’m actually much closer with his wife, but we got closer during the pandemic when I would hang out at their place from time to time. We had never really talked too much about relationships or sex or anything, but I always got the vibe he was curious at least.

What’s funnier to this whole story, is once when we were all drunk at a party a while back, Jen, talking about Andy said “yeah he may be gay, it’s ok. I still love him” haha. That’s always stuck in my mind for some reason…

So anyway, we’re all lounging by the pool, listening to music on a Bluetooth speaker when Jen comes out with some gummies. “Who wants treats??” Andy and I, in the water, walk over. “I’m gonna have 2 today” Andy said grabbing two bright colored gummies from the jar. “Babe, are you sure? You know 2 is usually too much for you”

Andy rolled his eyes and just says “geez mom, let me have some fun, I’m on vacation” we all laughed and I decide to join him and grab two.

It takes a solid 2 hours before they hit, but when they do, it felt like a movie in that we all kind of start giggling and laughing around the same time. We decide to head inside to shower and change and such.

**here’s where things start…**

Jen heads up to the master bedroom to shower and get ready and everything. Meanwhile Andy and I are in the kitchen opening a bottle of wine. We’re both high AF at this point…

The room I’m staying in is connected to the living room so I’m back and forth a bit drinking and just vibin to the music. Time passes us by when Andy says, “alright, I think I’m gonna grab a shower” and heads upstairs.

Almost immediately he comes back down, “fuck, Jen locked the door and she must be asleep” (Jen was notorious for being able to sleep through anything) “I don’t wanna wake her though… do you mind if I just use y’all’s shower?”

“Yeah, that’s cool, I’ll just shower after you” (we’re both still shirtless from the pool, and the thought briefly crosses my mind that Andy just has his swim trunks on and no change of clothes… but then the thought leaves my mind…)

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