How I Got Friend's Straight Volleyball Jock Boyfriend & His Father To Fuck Me

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How I Got My Best Friend’s Straight Volleyball Jock Boyfriend [M20], & His Married Christian Father [M42] To Fuck Me [M20]

Note: Wall of Text, TLDR at bottom.

TW: Violence, Emotional Abuse, Infidelity

Throwaway because this shit WILL ruin a lot of  lives, mine included. It’s eating me up how it all played out but it’s so fucking hot to not share. I’m so fucked up…

Father, please forgive me for my sins.

I was in a situation-ship where I was best friends with a girl who was dating this complete volleyball jock. As time went on, things got weird. While he was away at practice, I was with her in her room and just watched as she undressed and tried on different outfits. I told her how each garment flattered and accentuated the curves on her body. It was fine, cause I was gay after all. But I never seemed to like labels. I always made the effort to tell her she was beautiful. I always told her she deserved someone to be emotionally available for her. I even helped feed her little siblings by cooking meals and would have dinner most days of the week with her entire family… sans him. Her mother and father would just stare at me, only then asking her where “he” was for dinner. Always just out of reach. Where was he?

She’d invite me to very intimate settings & demanded a lot of quality time. When I asked her why she wouldn’t ask her boyfriend instead, she told me, “Do I want to be with him or with a good time?” I understood my purpose. I was thrilled to play the role of best friend. I was just mad because I was only there to fill the gaps. But the people pleaser in me decided to stick around.

Trouble in their relationship slowly brewed, and when they finally had the time to be with each other… guess who else was there? Me. Everyday. Every Hour. Every Minute. We’d go on target runs together, both he and I dividing the burden of carrying random shit for her. We’d cuddle at her house. My house. His house. He would always be in the middle. We’d laugh & cry at movies together. We’d cook our own meals together too. We were all planning to pool our resources and move in with each other. Living altogether was a dream we all shared, but for now, our parents’ houses would do.

Sex for us was weird. We took BDSM tests and he turned out to be 100% an exhibitionist. He was so proud of that. A young stallion with the stamina of 2 hours reduced to a meager 3 minutes when he knew he was being watched. He’d fuck in public if he wanted to, but he chose to do it right in front of me. And I was quite the voyeur myself. Naturally, she was never pleased. Sometimes just for shits & giggles, he’d let me massage his body while she watched— I‘ve never seen his eyes roll back like that before, the loud moans of pleasure & bliss. One time, after taking ecstasy at a rave, we both went home together. He and I ended up cuddling together on the couch and when I woke up, he hadn’t left our embrace.

Then they broke up. Hours and hours of crying and vilifying him. I got drained, and cut her off. She’d just brush me away and talk about him. But I too was thinking about him. What she didn’t know about was our private talks with each other leading up to their breakup. He’d spill every ugly thought he had about her to me. And I took it. But he was so receptive to everything I had to say. Touch was a powerful thing. He’d feel better & his tears were pacified. I always told him he deserved someone to be emotionally available for him. That he deserved better. When shit would hit the fan between them, he’d just find my face and then lock eye contact with me—tuning her out and tuning into the peace we shared behind closed doors. He felt so alone, but was never lonely with me. It was my shoulders he yearned to lean his head on.

They started fighting really badly, it was a screaming match. They finished it with quick “angry sex” and she went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and dip. In the cover of the running shower, I looked into his eyes and we both knew we were on the same wavelength. With the door to his room wide open, we fucked. Hard. Unsurprisingly, his asshole was the no-go zone. But everything else had the green light. And we were both on fire.

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