Ay Dios Mio

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Jenn's Pov

Ben and I were in the room looking at each as he rubbed my arm softly and comforted me. We were both nervous and scared. I don't have my hopes up because it most likely is a false pregnancy... but I think Ben would be extremely happy to have another one.

"Well... Mrs Affleck. You indeed are pregnant. Congratulations. But my job as a doctor, I must let you know about things that may happen since you got pregnant very soon. Based off your records of your last pregnancy, I want you on bed rest for the first 4 months. No working at all. You can go out and live your normal life as in shopping but no work. Treat the 4 months as vacation." The doctor said.

"Alright. You don't have to tell me twice." I laughed softly and looked at Ben.

"That's gonna be perfect." Ben said.

"Also, your blood work looks amazing, congratulations on that as well. There's no signs of high cholesterol or anything. You're doing great, keep up the life style and remember, no work. Alright?" The doctor smiled. I nodded.

"Thank you. And I won't be working. I'll keep everything on hold or have my assistant do it." I said.

"Great. Now do you have any questions?" The doctor said.

"No.. but just wondering.. will my wife and I be able to travel this month and next month?" Ben asked.

"Yes of course, just take it easy, and don't let Jennifer get overwhelmed. Try your best to help her out." The doctor said.

"Of course." Ben smiled and looked at me with love then looked at the doctor.

"Alright well, we'll see you soon for your first ultrasound at 10 weeks." The doctor smiled.

"Thank you." I said before the doctor nodded and left.

"We're having another baby..." I said to Ben as he was looking at my belly then looked at me then continued looking at my belly as he was thinking.

I didn't know what else to say. I was scared but excited. Scared in the fact that I may have high blood pressure again or some health risk. But I think maybe this time around Ben will be a better partner. I'm praying that everything will workout.

"I don't even know what to say... could you imagine if we had twins? I would freak out because we would have more kids of our own... you're just such a great mother and you know what to do. You handled the last pregnancy like a pro. And I know. I know.. I gotta step up to the plate. I won't let you down. Or the kids down. I love you so much and now this is my second chance to prove to you that we are both in this pregnancy together. I love you so much princess. So so much." Ben said as he leaned down and hugged my belly. He kissed my belly and started talking to the baby. I watched him and sighed softly as I was taking the moment in. I know not to get my hope up with Ben but I'm hoping his actions will match his words.

"Okay. Can we go home..? I miss my Juniper." I said to him as I played with his hair.

"Okay." Ben said and stood up looking down at me. He leaned in and kissed my head softly then smiled at me before placing a kiss on my lips. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing him again. He picked me up and rubbed my ass. He then set me down and smiled against my lips.

"My whole world is right in front of me." Ben and I both said at the same time and laughed as we both said it in sync. We smiled and walked out of the room then went to schedule our next visit.

After we scheduled our next visit, we went home but we had to make a quick stop at Dunkin to get some coffee and donuts for us and little munchkins for our munchkins.

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