The mastermind

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Ben's pov

I woke up from an amazing nap only to realize... it's 3AM and I'm still at work. I sighed and looked at my desk but I completed everything I needed to do and have everything ready that I need to have producers sign then everything will be done and we can begin the process of filming the movie. I just have to see if Jenn is up for a challenge.

I grabbed my things and went home. I arrived at the house around 3:45 AM and saw how dirty the living room was because of the kids. It looked like they just threw a party. I went to check on the kids and Cy and Sera were awake playing video games together. They're still on break from school so I didn't say anything except a simple "goodnight."

I then went to my room and saw Jenn on the way phone talking to someone. She was a bit flirtatious but I didn't think anything of it because that's just her personality. When she was done talking on the phone, I looked at her and kissed her softly.

I approached Jenn, curiosity getting the better of me. "Who were you talking to on the phone?" I asked, a playful smirk on my face.

"Oh, just catching up with a friend," she replied, her eyes avoiding mine. The subtle shift in her demeanor piqued my interest.

"A friend, huh?" I teased, pretending not to notice. "Seemed pretty cozy for just a friend. Spill the beans, Jenn."

She chuckled nervously, "Really, just a friend. Nothing exciting, promise."

Raising an eyebrow, I pressed further, "Come on, spill. I'm your partner in crime, remember?"

Jenn flashed a mischievous grin. "Alright, fine. It was the pizza delivery guy. He had the wrong address, and we ended up chatting. Nothing scandalous."

I couldn't help but laugh at her unexpected response. "The pizza guy, huh? Well, he's got good timing, interrupting my thoughts about challenging movie projects at 3 AM."

Jenn joined in the laughter, relieved that her impromptu tale had served its purpose. Little did she know, the real challenge was convincing me that the pizza guy story was the whole truth.

As our laughter faded, Jenn's demeanor shifted abruptly. "Speaking of challenges, why were you at the office so late?" she interrogated, a glint of suspicion in her eyes.

Caught off guard, I hesitated. "Just tying up loose ends for the movie. You know how it is."

She tilted her head, the playful smile replaced by a more intense gaze. "Loose ends, or is there more to the story? A secret meeting, perhaps?"

I chuckled nervously, thinking she was playing along. "You're reading too much into it, Jenn. Just work stuff."

Her eyes narrowed, the atmosphere growing tense. "Work stuff at 3 AM? Be honest, Ben. What's really going on?"

I felt the pressure building. "It's just a tight schedule. We're behind, and I needed to catch up."

Jenn leaned in, her tone lowering. "I know when you're hiding something, Ben. Spill."

Suddenly, I found myself on the defensive. "I swear, it's just work. Nothing else."

She leaned back, studying my reaction. "We'll see about that."

The playful banter had transformed into a tense exchange, leaving an uneasy feeling lingering between us.

Jenn's probing eyes held mine as she continued, "And was Lisa still in the office when you left?"

The question caught me off guard, a subtle tension creeping into the room. "Lisa? Yeah, she was around. Why do you ask?"

Her gaze intensified, and her tone remained measured. "Oh, no reason. Just wondering who's burning the midnight oil with you."

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