Can't Get Enough

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Jenn's pov
The following day... January 10th

As my latest single gained traction on social media, excitement and pride flooded me. However, amid the enthusiastic response from fans, the absence of Ben left a noticeable void. Waking up alone, I wished to share the moment with him, but he was nowhere to be found. His absence overshadowed the cheers of success. With a heavy sigh, I couldn't shake the lingering feeling from the day before when Ben referred to me as his headache. Overthinking each detail, I questioned if this hinted at a deeper issue in our relationship. The joy of my musical achievement felt muted by his absence and the lingering tension. After a shower and getting dressed, I descended the stairs, the air heavy with uncertainty and sadness.

I entered the living room to find it transformed into a celebration haven—green balloons, confetti, and hummingbird decorations adorned every corner. My gasp of surprise drew Ben out of the kitchen, capturing my reaction on his camera as he approached, holding a cake.

"Happy single day!! How do you feel, baby girl?" Ben's enthusiasm radiated as he awaited my response.

The sight overwhelmed me, and I managed, "I don't know... ecstatic, I guess? I wasn't expecting this..." Taking the cake from him, my eyes welled up. "Did you do this all by yourself?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Yeah," he replied, pausing the recording. Placing the cake on the coffee table, he pulled me close.

"I'm so proud of you, mi amor," Ben spoke with genuine admiration. "I know you've been working hard these past two years, and it shows. Now the world gets to see how amazing your work is and experience the beautiful art you've created." A tender kiss on my forehead accompanied his words.

I clung to him, tears still flowing. "What's the matter, babe?" he asked, comforting me.

"It's just... after yesterday, I wasn't expecting this. I thought you'd still be mad at me," I confessed through my tears.

"Baby, that was petty bullshit, and I'm sorry. I'd never ruin your special day for you. Don't cry, mama. Clean up your tears and relax so I can take a picture of you with your cake, okay?" His reassuring words and comforting gestures eased my distress. I nodded softly, managed to halt my tears, and joined him for some photos, grateful for the thoughtful celebration he'd orchestrated.

With the celebratory atmosphere surrounding us, Ben continued to shower me with praise. "You deserve all this, Jennifer. Your hard work and dedication shine through every note of your single," he commended as he played the song, his voice harmonizing effortlessly with the music.

As my single played, Ben's eyes lit up with pride and admiration. "Remember when you first sang this to me in the studio during our honeymoon in Europe? That was an amazing moment. I knew back then that this song was something special, just like you," he reminisced, his words carrying the weight of cherished memories.

The enchanting ambiance of the living room drew the attention of our children. One by one, Violet, Max, Sera, Sam, and Cy descended the stairs, their eyes widening in awe at the festive spectacle Ben had orchestrated.

"Dad, this is amazing!" Violet exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as she took in the decorations.

Max nodded in agreement, impressed by the transformation. Sera, always the enthusiast, began singing along to my single, her voice blending seamlessly with the melody. As the music filled the room, the kids couldn't resist the infectious energy. Sera led the way, initiating a dance party with the others joining in, creating a joyful and lively celebration.

As the final notes of the song faded away, the kids gathered around, each holding a carefully wrapped present. Their eyes sparkled with excitement as they handed over their gifts, revealing the thoughtful surprises they had planned for over a month.

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