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"You mobsters surely know how to hotwire cars." I compliment Jason, staring him down from the passenger side. I stand leaning back against a car door with my knee up on the seat. Stretching slightly. My fingernails dig anxiously into the leather of the seat as I turn my head, looking over my shoulder every few seconds. Paranoid of our unfamiliar surroundings, my eyes scan while he wires.

"Learn. You're one too."

Stiff and uncomfortable, I adjust my shoulders constantly. Huffing and puffing for a reason. I happily succeeded watching an annoyed look cross over Jason's features. Laying on the floor board of the truck. He tries hot wiring the fourth car in the past fifteen minutes. He was going door to door and dragging me along with him.

Claiming that if he didn't, my husband would have his head if he lost me yet here we are. Off track and stuck in the snow. Might I add, him trying to end my life in the car back there. He deserved the beat down I laid out on him. Yeah I felt guilty, but I really shouldn't. It's been coming for a while now.

What was really bothering me right now was the sun slowly falling behind the trees. The last time my eyes laid on the time it was when we left the first car, around three thirty. Stefano and I were really locked up in our room for a while. It really was moon when me and Jason left.

We were driving for a while.

"You just put two of the wires together and there you go." I go along with what I believe, though i'm wrong seeing the judging look pass over his features. Eyes fluttering in disbelief. I feel my mood drain even more. As if our fight wasn't enough already. He was still being cruel to me. So I guess I'll just have to give him the same energy back.

"This isn't a fucking lifetime tv show." He speaks, eyes trained on the wires in his hands.

"Get the fuck in the car." His voice low, standing and slamming the drivers door closed as he got in. I hesitantly move in to the old pick up and buckle myself. Waiting patiently as he turns the heat on. I feel my body relax feeling the hot air roll in from the vents. I sit back and rub my hands together for extra warmth.

"What now since you purposely ditched the car?" I ask him angrily. Staring out of the window as the car starts and begins a rocky journey through the trees aligning each side of the car. A few homes hidden in between as we pass the car Jason's ditched. Leaving it alone next to a house.

"Won't the car get towed?" I question, turning my head.

"Stefano will handle it." His watchful eyes looking around just like I am.

"What the fuck does that mean? Yeah I understand he'll handle it, but how. Explain please." I ask hesitantly, waiting for an answer. Jason keeps his eyes on the road ahead.

Keeping the wheel steady as he drove through the brutal mountain curves, and any black ice we couldn't see from in the car. I anxiously adjust in my seat, becoming uncomfortable by his presence and this big cost i'm wearing digging into every curve.

"He has people everywhere. They'll read the title of the car and see his faked identity, somebody will understand why it was left- they'll dispose of it." He explains to me.

"Oh. I didn't know. Well I know about the fake identity, not the people. He's really well know, isn't he?" He gives me a simple nod.

"Thanks for explaining."

We don't speak for the rest of the drive. And to a grocery store surprisingly. Driving a little over the speed limit to reach the front of the store. My eyes take in all the walking customers flooding in and out of the building.

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