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"Where have you been all this time, what do I pay you for?" Giovanni glared my way as soon as I got into the room. Couldn't even sit down first and he's already up my ass and making demands. Gaze baring down on me as if I were smaller than him. Fucking dork. He sat behind that big desk like he owned everybody around him. Loser. He was like backwash. And backwash fucking annoyed me.

"Fucking working. You act like I belong to you people, i've been in Greece, ripping fucking heads to shreads, which might I add. I don't suggest doing without gloves. Took a few days to get everything out from under my nails. Still got some though, you wanna see?" I hold my hands out and inspect them. My eyes meet the gruesome look on Gio's face.

Instead of skin and blood, there was strawberry jam from the donut I ate on the way here. It was fucking good. I ate it in three seconds tops. And my excuse for eating it was the story lined up with the plan of why I wasn't here. He reacted exactly how I expected him too. Fucking pussy couldn't take the sight of skin and blood? In this case, jam?

"I really did not need to know that much." He continued to grimace, believing me so easily. He pulled his computer screen towards him and sat back in his chair with a thinking face. This was one of his biggest problems. Trusting. You don't trust a soul in the mafia, not one. Especially not a hit man you found out of thin air, nowhere like me. I'm his worst nightmare in disguise.

But he's prim and proper after all. Rather pay somebody to do his dirty work for him unlike Stefano or Adrik for this example. They'd get their hands dirty any day if it mean't protecting themselves or their family. No matter the price. Or how fucking sick it made them feel afterwords. Realizing what they're capable of in their twisted minds. They'd make it hurt, they'd make it horrific. Dirty work. Death.

"So what you taking over now? I heard what happened with the boat thing." I sit down on a chair, kicking up both my legs to bother the boy. Funny saying since he's about a decade older than I am, but as Arlo said. He's never be a man. Not to us. He's capable of making the calls, but would he do what it takes? No. He doesn't have common sense. He's like me in a way. He doesn't think before he does, and it's fucking dangerous.

Where did a man like Stefano even find this dude? Fucking K-mart? Wouldn't surprise me if the dude was browsing through the outlet for some fucking unicorn sock or some shit.

"It was not a boat. It was a yacht and I- I can't find them!" He yells, becoming frustrated in seconds. Clenching both his fists and banging them down onto the table. It echoed the room like a gun shot. Fucking wish a gun was aimed at me. Take me out of this misery. He's complaining about how he's fucked up and blaming it on them.

"They're somewhere I know it. I can't take over until i'm sure of it, the family won't allow it. They need hard proof." He starts speaking to himself underneath his breath. Like a damn loser.

"Didn't the boat blow up? You did that shit didn't you Gio?" I smirked, wanting to see where he was going to take this. Obviously he did it. Killing all those innocent lives. Just because he wanted to capture both Carmen and Stefano yet he's had so many chances, he chose the easiest way and still couldn't end their lives.

"They weren't there!" He growls like a toddler.

"If you wouldve fucking waited.." I cut myself off knowing my words are pointless at this point. He was all riled up and hostile.

"What's the next move. You know I got you." I relaxed further down into the chair whilst spitting lies. I've always been quite nice at that. Mother fuckers never see what's coming. I'm unpredictable for a reason. Nobody needs to know my next move- fuck. I don't even know my next move or mood. I just do whatever feels right in the moment. That's the way to go.

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