Book 5 ~ Chapter 4

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Based from the piece of paper given to them, Lei, Mako, and Juyin find themselves in a narrow alleyway off the main thoroughfare, where the small tech shop exudes an air of mystery and innovation. Its entrance is marked by a weathered wooden sign hanging above the door, bearing the shop's name in elegant script. They exchanged worrisome glances with one another before stepping inside. A small bell tinkles softly as they enter, announcing their arrival to the shopkeeper within.

As they enter, they are greeted by the soft glow of lamplight and the faint hum of machinery. The interior is cozy and cluttered, with shelves lining the walls and counters filled with gadgets and gizmos of all shapes and sizes. The air is redolent with the scent of oil and metal, lending the shop an ambiance of industriousness and creativity.

The shelves are stocked with an eclectic array of technological wonders, from intricate clockwork contraptions to sleek, futuristic devices. Miniature automatons scuttle about, performing simple tasks or demonstrating the latest innovations. Glass display cases house delicate instruments and prototypes, each one a testament to the ingenuity of the shop's proprietor.

Among the shop's most notable offerings are its fire-powered devices, harnessing the elemental energy of the Fire Nation to power everything from heating mechanisms to miniature steam engines. Other items include communication devices that transmit messages over long distances, telescopes for stargazing, and intricate puzzles designed to test the mind and dexterity.

Mako and Lei were looking around the store, until they heard a familiar voice, "Hey Opal, check out this cool firecracker!"

"Bolin, put that down!" a girly voice shouted in reply.

"Bolin?" Mako asked, approaching the sounds of the voices. There was a sudden bursts of fireworks going around the shop. Mako, Lei, and Juyin covered their heads as small firecrackers took off in the shop, thankfully, not damaging anything. They approached closer and found Bolin and Opal at the counter of shop, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, hey guys! We were just exploring a lead," Bolin cheered, as he was waving off the smoke coming from the firecrackers.

"So were we, are you here to meet the Mechanist?" Lei asked, Bolin nodded.

"Yeah, we heard a lot about him from the vendors over at the marketplace," Opal replied.

"Customers!" a voice said, a short man with a warm smile greets the group, before continuing,

"Welcome, travelers! I am Hao, most people know me as the Mechanist. What brings you—"

Hao was cut off when he saw Lei and Juyin, he shifts uncomfortably before saying, "Your highness and Commander Juyin, what brings you to my lovely shop?"

"We're looking for information on recent shipments of unusual technology. Have you heard anything?" Lei replied, while admiring the gadgets on display.

"Nope, haven't heard anything," Hao answered, he felt nervous around the presence of the Princess and the Head Guard. Lei eyed him, not fully convinced of his answer.

"Really? I thought with your reputation as 'The Mechanist' you'd know a thing or two about new technology being shipped into Fire Nation borders," Lei pressed.

"With all due respect, your highness, my expertise lies in knowing anything and everything about technology, not when they're shipped here. And I've moved on from that kind of life, I'm a better man now," Hao explained, he made his way out from behind the counter, approaching the shelves of gadgets behind them, he grabbed a small odd-looking bracelet, "May I interest you in my latest invention? I call it— a watch!"

He waved the watch in front of Lei, who lowered his hand to the counter gently, before saying, "Look, we need at least some information otherwise a lot of people will get hurt. If you've said that you've changed you'd help us,"

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